LOTRO Expansion Quad Pack Now on Available

LOTRO Expansion Quad Pack Now on Available post thumbnail image

Quad Pack Ad


As we move closer and closer to the release of Helm’s Deep, some of you may be wanting to catch up on your expansions. If you currently don’t own any of the expansions, you may consider the LOTRO Quad-Pack for 39.99 on the LOTRO Market. This includes all four currently-released expansions:

  •     Mines of Moria ($19.99 if purchased separately)
  •     Siege of Mirkwood ($9.99 if purchased separately)
  •     Ride of Isengard ($19.99 if purchased separately)
  •     Riders of Rohan ($19.99 if purchased separately)

The price for the package is $39.99, while the three expansions separately would cost $69.96 if purchased separately.

For our friends in Europe, this is 35,99 € or £29.99.


This is for the base editions of the various expansions.

May your shield protect you and your spear never break,

Pineleaf Needles

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Expansion Quad Pack Now on Available”

  1. I agree, Brax. For those like me who already have Moria (via Mithril Edition), the Triple Pack did not save you money, but the Quad Pack does.

  2. I just bought it yesterday for 17,99 euro from the Lotro Store. I think it must be a mistake or something because if you link from the Lotro store it is listed as 35,99 euro. But if you search in google for “lotro expansion pack quadruple” the first link I get takes you to a similar page where the only difference is the price. Here it is listed as 17,99 euro. I made the purchase and I checked if I had the expansions. I do also two extra character slots, the horse and the Warden and Runekeeper. Checked on it today and can still buy it for 17,99.

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