CSTM Phantasmagorical Rock Opera Extravaganza!

CSTM Phantasmagorical Rock Opera Extravaganza! post thumbnail image

Warning! – If you are very young, or have a sensitivity to all that is crude and vulgar, if you do not have a sense of humour. Close this window and go and watch an episode My Little Pony! (recommended by Lizzy)

For the rest of you prepare to laugh so much you need the lavvy!

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Lilikate Buggins would like to present to you this amazing work by Aegthil of Gondor! images (5)

With the help of a brave band of free folk he has created this BBB tribute (kind of) to Merric and Goldenstar of A Casual Stroll to Mordor.



Lizzy and I fully endorse this work and thank Aegthil for letting us both contribute.

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8 thoughts on “CSTM Phantasmagorical Rock Opera Extravaganza!”

  1. The best part I think has to be the superduper recorders playing over the end credits! That’s a talented woodwind section!

  2. I think I shed a tear or two for poor poor Lalia, and for Sara Oakheart too. Tears of joy. Did I just say that out loud?? Oops!

    1. Very satisfying indeed, we are going to pass Lalia on the Fellowship Walk. I heard mention of a fishslap cue, at that particular spot… Yeah, I just happen to be taking my trout along with me on the walk too!

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