Letters from the West: Bound by Bounders Bounties

Bria –Letters From the West

‘Tis I, your brother Borowolf! Although you were quite young when I departed for Minis Tirith, I remember fondly your love for the outdoors and especially for the sparse beauty that could be found in the nooks and crannies of South Gondor. I hope your memories of me are equally good.

Braxwolf has departed for the Shire, a lush land populated entirely with little folk. I only half understand the purpose of his current quest, but I know it has something to do with some sort of token or other. Last week Brax and I were slaying mounted foes in the Rohan region of Wildermore. As we were counting our spoils, Braxwolf became exceedingly giddy over a bag full of tokens found on one of the warg riders. The tokens themselves reminded me of biscuits. The flip side contained some nonsense about “the undefeatable and insurmountable bounders of the Shire and his honourable honour Mayor Will Whitfoot” or the like. It appeared to me as complete gibberish, but Brax seemed to be aware of some sort of significance attached to the tokens. He spends more time with the halflings than I, exchanging both pipeweed and stories. They seem to be enamoured by his tales of adventures in the east. Apparently, the little folk have been attempting to collect these tokens in order to improve a sculpture that they all worship or whatnot.

So important are these tokens to the locals that they offer various rewards in exchange for them! Of course, this is what I suspect caught Braxwolf’s attention the most. I, on the other hand, am more concerned with my current duty to protect the lands around me than with the thought of adventure and reward. Of course, a strong new saddle for my war steed would be a welcome addition….but no! I am currently in pursuit of a deadly foe in this region. New equipment will have to wait. You know, Bria, the excitement on Braxwolf’s face when he discovered the tokens, as well as his seeming indifference to our current line of quests, makes it almost seem as if he’s been through this Wildermore adventure before. Curious. I shall have to think on that.

At any rate, keep yourself safe in these times of woe. When Braxwolf returns from Michel Delving (he seems to cover great distances at such speed!) we will head to Byre Tor, and continue our pursuit of the mighty giant. Not to worry, though. Brax seems to think that everything will turn out just fine!

Until we vanquish our foes,

Borowolf, Lieutenant of the Osgiliath Guard

Braxwolf StormchaserBraxwolf can be found on Twitter at @Braxwolf

or on Windfola, trying to get a better exchange rate on his tokens

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