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The Soloist: Dalman, a true Musician

As many might not be aware of, my dear old Mammy had recently passed to the next field of green hills. I have spent the greater part of the last month tending to the affairs of her Hole, soothing family, and retuning the strings of my own broken heart.

The night of my return to the  realm of Landroval, I took comfort in doing what I enjoy most. I stood before the flames of the stone fire of the Prancing Pony performing music for anyone who would listen.

DalmanAs I strummed away to my various favorite tunes, I was gazed upon a little Hobbit who went by the name of Dalman, the most famous musician you are unlikely to know. As I gave him the well worn carpet to play, he began to perform a few tunes. But, there was something unique about these tunes he played. They were all freestyle. Yes, folks I said it. Freestyle. What many who hear musicians play music don’t know is that most are done using ABC files that were converted from MIDI music files, then initiated in game for your listening enjoyment. Another way is to manually input the ABC notes in your own file and create your own ABC songs. Another way, which is programed into LOTRO is using your computer keyboard to play the notes. But, this is very difficult, as it requires you to change between the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT buttons to play the notes. The other way, and for this hobbit, the most real of em all, is actually performing the music live. And Dalman, is one of these few.

Using a Privia Electric Keyboard, he links it into the world and performs the music live, on the spot. This my dear readers is what you would say is a real LOTRO musician. While he does like to keep a low profile over all, I do find this little bit as a sort of inspiration to those out there who enjoy music. If you ever see him playing, as he started to play freestyle years ago, you will know that indeed his music is on the spot, with a real instrument, for his pure joy of musicianship. While I do not take away from the greatness of those who do use ABC files, as there is a lot of true work that goes into doing them right, playing as bands etc, I just found this little hobbit a bit of an inspiration, whether he wants to keep to himself or not.

If you find a lone hobbit playing music quietly in a corner somewhere, and his music seems to feel a bit real, then you are safe to assume, you are hearing the music of the hobbit Dalman.

2 thoughts on “The Soloist: Dalman, a true Musician”

  1. Glad to see you back with us Fort, thanks for the Article. I would love to hear Dalman play live.

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