Store Sales Aug 30th – Sept 5th

Store Sales Aug 30th – Sept 5th post thumbnail image



Free Sample of the Week:



This weeks free sample is 5 Mithril Coins. Use Coupon Code MCX52, 1 per Account.



Lilikate Says: Always useful, I really like this freebie. Thanks Turbine 🙂



Store Sales:



Ingredient Packs 30% Off

25-175 18-123

Spending too much valuable time searching for miscellaneous crafting ingredients scattered throughout Middle-earth? Can’t locate a vendor? Take advantage of one stop shopping in the LOTRO Store and get back to crafting! Ingredient Packs are used in place of traditional ingredients, so stop the search and get to work on your recipes! Applies to Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan, Master, Supreme, Westfold and Eastemnet profession tiers.


Store Location: Crafting → Ingredient Packs

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: I am a traditional ingredient pack kind of gal. Not to keen on paying to have something easily obtainable in LOTRO.




Crafting Guild Access 30% Off

295 207


Improve your chosen profession by unlocking a Crafting Guild progression! Crafting Guilds provide additional paths of advancement for many professions. Membership in a crafting guild is exclusive – you may only be a member of one at a time. Available to Cook, Jeweller, Metalsmith, Scholar, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and Woodworker professions.


Store Location: Crafting → Guilds

Levels: All

LIlikate Says: This is a nice sale for the F2P account holders. I am assuming this is per character?


Craft Experience Boosts 30% Off

150-1300 105-910

Use any Crafting Experience Boost to gain a bonus to XP earned from crafting! Affects all Cook, Jeweller, Metalsmith, Scholar, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and Woodworker recipes. Offers include:

  • +100% Crafting XP – grants a 100% boost!
  • Scroll of Greater Craft Acceleration – grants a 50% boost.
  • Scroll of Lesser Craft Acceleration – grants a 25% boost.


Store Location: Crafting → Craft Boosts

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: Another short cut to level crafting, not for me personally but I can understand if other folks want to bypass the grind.




Rapid Crafting Boosts 30% Off

150-300 105-210


Craft more in a shorter amount of time! This item lasts for 1 minute and significantly reduces your crafting induction time to 0.5 seconds. It does not stack with tools that also reduce your induction time.


Store Location: Crafting → Craft Boosts

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: I think there are better things to spend tp’s on. I would just be patient, maybe read something on




Complete Crafting Tier 30% Off

1450-4150 1015-2905

Stuck? Not enough time? Get right to crafting at your level. Purchase one of these to instantly complete that tier of crafting!

*All crafting Professions have them!
*Offers for Apprentice to Westfold level crafting.

Store Location: Crafting → Recipes

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: It’s a big time saver at a big cost… I was of the opinion that crafting was a fun part of the game. I would not pay to bypass a tier.




Recipe Books 30% Off

50-500 35-350

Get all recipes for your tier of crafting in a single purchase! You’ll be able to unlock recipes that can be found on vendors and in random treasure drops.

*Note: Does not include any one-shot or reputation recipes.


Store Location: Crafting → Recipes

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: If you run about and kill enough mobs, ask your friends and visit the auction hall. I am sure you will find all the recipes you need.





Also: Steed of the Hunter, Steed of the Nightwood, and Heavy Set of the Entwash.





Last week opinion of 105 votes was divided between those that love shared storage and those who would save their points. I wonder what we will learn from this weeks poll.

What is your least favorite system?

View Results

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7 thoughts on “Store Sales Aug 30th – Sept 5th”

  1. FYI, crafting guild purchases are per account.

    I imagine few people will want multiple characters in the same craft guild on the same server … but if you play on different servers a single guild purchase might be useful more than once.

    1. I did think that Limorel but thought the price far too cheap for per account. Thanks for the information 🙂

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