If you’ve been “bounding” around Middle-Earth, wondering why you haven’t seen any of these bounders tokens that all of the hobbits are buzzing about, you weren’t alone!
Players questioning the drop rate of the bounders tokens were awarded with this forum post by developer Amlug:
Thanks for the feedback on the bounty event so far! We are actively monitoring totals and projections and all sorts of fun nerdy stat numbers and we agree with you. The drop rate is too low! So we’ve adjusted it with our secret tricksey hobbitsss powers. Hopefully many more tokens will be dropping asap!
It seems to be working. I saw a couple of bounders bags drop last night, and reports from my kin are that they are seeing more, as well.
Was strange that turbine didn’t realise that this would be an issue to begin with: they promoted it so much and there was basically nothing there…
Anyway…the token are flowing and this great thread is following the server totals https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?521528-Bounder-s-Bounties-Server-Totals
(er why isnt turbine doing this? Webpage with realtime updated table…turn in news…would be nice and add to LOTRO community buzz)
I saw this link the other day – thanks for providing it, here!
I did a partial run of Carn Dum last night with a friend and we both walked out with 12 bags each, even before that I was able to pick up 3 bags a night. Maybe this hobbit just got lucky
It does seem like they are dropping more often now. Before the drop rate was increased, I only found 3 bags of Bounders Tokens, totaling maybe 15 tokens. After the increase, I’ve received 5-6 bags, totaling maybe 65 tokens. Hooray, I was finally able to add something to the server pool! Go, Landroval, Go!
*cheers for Landroval* Oh, and the other lands, as well, of course!
I wonder what the goal date is and if Helm’s Deep is tied to it…
Oh, I think it has to be, since it is to run until then. I think, maybe, they underestimated how many people were about to fetch them, and have since raised the rate to make up for it.
However, I found about 1,700 tokens yesterday, so I would not be surprised with they turned it down again, at least a little. It may be a good time to go searching before they do!
Man, those Germans are crazy. They’re ripping straight past Landy and Brandywine in terms of donations.
Looks like the leading server will hit 500k today! In 3 or 4 days….WOW! And the main token dropping mechanisms are not in place yet!
There is now a new thread with graph on the forum: Bounder’s Bounty Guide and Server Donations Graph
I created a graph ranked by leading server on the above thread…
As LOTRO are not presenting this in an external page isn’t this an opportunity for LOTROPLAYERS to get more exposure and good coverage? Why don’t you create a daily updated infographic of this event as it progresses…the data is free and out there…ok you will need a char on each server…
(OK cant give links as I come across as a spammer…)
Yeah, this is a cool idea. I wish I had the time to do it – maybe if Andang gives me a raise I can quit my day job!
I still say, if you group up I think the drop rates are higher…even just a group of 2. ALL evening my duo collected bags. When I logged in one char had 10, the other had 5. After 4-5 hours of playing, one had 150 and the other had 120.
Oh, I think so, Lynxa. While in a fellowship or even larger group, whenever a foe is slain, everyone in the group gets treasures from it, as long as they are somewhat nearby.
The more with you who are combating foes, the more treasures everyone gets, and the more chance for bounties!
Has anybody tried using the horseshoe? Any difference?
Vanyar: 550,000+ ….
I tried the horseshoe out.. and of course this is very UN-scinetific… but my drop rates seem to be…. WORSE… with the shoe… I got 4 bags… and I got 9 without…. (all doing slayer deeds)
so take that with a grain a salt… I’ll have to try it again, to get some more numbers…
Haha – results seem to be all over the board. I think it’s pretty safe to say that the horseshoe doesn’t have a discernible effect in this event.
Did you count them?
ah ah ah…
Now they’ve lowered the drop rate from mobs down lower than it was to begin with.
Players can earn BB tokens grinding the Farmers Faire, but thats about it. Sort of takes the fun out of the festive atmosphere.
Indeed – upset bounder token collectors are now using this forum thread to complain: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?522698-Reduced-drop-rate-of-Bounder-s-Bags
It’s been running 6 days without a DEV comment (me thinks busy with Helms Deep!)
After the drop rate was increased, but before the Farmer’s Faire started, I did a Sarnur run to clean up my Troll Kicker deed, and got 25-30 bags of Bounders tokens in about 60 minutes. This week, I did all of my festival quests and decided to pop over to Sarnur again, but after 30+ minutes of defeating mobs I did not get a single Bounders bag token drop. That’s frustrating, but hopefully they’ll increase the drop rate again after the festival is over?
Speaking of the festival: if you only do the quests immediately around the Green Dragon, you can net 10 bags of tokens in 25 minutes or less. (Assuming that the drunk hobbits are properly rude; sometimes they’re so darn polite!) Multiply that by a few alts, and you’re well on your way to a huge pile of tokens. (Donate your tokens. Are you donating yet? Good.
Slightly increased…What are most players feelings towards the event, I get the feeling most basically ignore its existence now…sadly as there is a month and a half to go…
Where has the FIRE gone?
BLOG: http://tsuhelm.wordpress.com/2013/10/02/lotro-bounders-bound-to-succeed-in-the-end/
Interesting, Tsu. I had no idea there were people who were so upset about this. The people I play with (and myself) seem to be ok with getting a bag drop every now and then, collecting them as we go, and dropping by Michel Delving whenever we store up enough for something worth bartering for (the Universal toolkits and Rohan XP boost pocket items have been my favorite targets so far, and have been pretty attainable via the drops!).
Yeah I am in the same mind set …most of the time..but I got involved with the thread and really was expecting some kind of follow up from LOTRO…
Oh and it’s Sullo I quoted below not ‘Sully’…Fat fingers
It would be nice if they at least updated the statue for those servers that have completed the bounty. I was on Landroval the night that the total was reached, and a big message appeared on the screen urging us to visit Michael Delving to celebrate; quite a few people expected that the statue would change after reaching 1.75 mil that night, but no. Maybe after the next update? Nope. The statue remains unchanged as far as I can tell. Disappointing. Maybe once Helm’s Deep is released?
sorry not so good a HTTP blogging..the boxed quote was for you Sully
Ah yes, you’re right! The Dev diary, initial announcement and tooltip on the statue itself made it seem like the statue might be updated once the total was reached, but yes there was a forum post that clarified that once Helm’s Deep launches, Turbine is going to tally donations, something something something, and then update the statue.
Gosh! Dev diaries, release notes, forum posts, Twitter feeds… it’s an awful lot for us casual hobbits to keep up with!