Hey there prospective Fellowship Walkers.
We thought it might be nice to share with you our current stocktake of items that the vendors will be giving you to keep well fed and happy on our journey through Middle Earth. So here is our current stocktake.
If nothing else, we will have plenty of calories to burn off
Have fun
It’s going to be a good event with all those vittles!
That looks wonderful!
Amazing Menu!
I’ll have one of each!
So that’s roughly…two second breakfasts worth?
Hopefully it is a little more than that.
Gee… is this tonight?
This is not until Hobbit Day (Sept. 22) and goes until Oct. 24th following the path of Frodo’s journey to raise money for sick children to have something to play with in hospitals.
Well for you Zyngor,
We will prepare a special Second Breakfast menu
Have you any requests?
Have fun