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ABC to Audio. Narmeleth’s dream

Narmeleth is a fictional character in Lord of the rings online. The storyline is absolutely fantastic. There is actually several times I have done volume 1 just to experience the Storyline at the book 11-15. Is quite sad, but show how powerful love is compare to all the evil that happened around Middle Earth. I was inspired to make a song of this once. Here you can hear it.

The story about Narmeleth also resulted into a concert we had in our Shades kinhouse, you can see a little part from the concert here:

Again I decided to make a real Audio of this song after a while. You can hear it here..

Small intro: Narmeleth is the daughter of Laerdan. Almost two millennia ago, during the Battle of Fornost in III 1975, she wielded the sword that slew Amarthiel, and the ring Narchuil of that witch vanished. It is not clear what happened after that, but slowly Amarthiel gained power over Narmeleth, infiltrating her mind. It is unknown if there is still a part of Narmeleth left in her body, eventually possessed by Amarthiel, but throughout the epic storyline her tragic fate is unwinded…

(I wont spoil more.., it has to be played…)

18 thoughts on “ABC to Audio. Narmeleth’s dream”

    1. Hurrah I actually understood the Italian translation… So some of it must be sticking to some part of my brain.

      Now to watch the video:brb

  1. Another great composition from Achazia with excellent artwork! I love the rl version of the song. Very Elven 🙂

  2. WoW Achazia!!! I’m speechless! Thank you for sharing your extraordinary talent! You should be very proud. 🙂

  3. Thank again Knowfere. Yeah I like to do many different things 😀 I might be better with music, than art. But I love both!

    Kyrian: Thank you so much for comment!! Glad you like it.

    Narmeleth story is quite a sad one, so I tried to reflect the mood in the story in the song 🙂

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