Class Revamp Twitter Dev Chat — Thoughts

Today, Turbine held a dev chat on Twitter regarding the class revamp that is coming with the Helms Deep expansion. Two things really caught my attention:


1. It seems to me that the Hunter class specifically is going to get a LOT of love. As a bowhunter in real life I can relate to the class and my hunter is what I consider to be my main, though it is painful at times when things just don’t seem to work out with him the way I think they should. This will hopefully fix many issues. The one thing about it that stood out was revamping how traps are used. They will all be skill based on their own timers, no more consumables to carry around. I might actually use more than just the basic trap skill now.

2. This second point is a bit of speculation on my part. They went on to answer things of no relation to class revamp at all. They answered a question about game lag and the Hobnanigans field. They ignored a number of questions from me and others regarding class/race restrictions. Where a flat out “no” would have been an unpleasing but understood answer, I am left feeling that they may be considering it? Not ready to reveal it? Why not say no, if it wasn’t at least being considered?


Check LOTRO’s twitter page or the transcripts for the discussion.

4 thoughts on “Class Revamp Twitter Dev Chat — Thoughts”

  1. I think it can be difficult to read anything into the questions that were answered by the devs, let alone trying to do so on a question they didn’t choose to answer.

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