LOTRO Players News Episode 8: Wildermore Review

LPN E1 Pic 01This week we have a big show!  We are reviewing Wildermore and have Braxwolf to help us through it.

Game News

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LOTRO Players News

We start off with Braxwolf talking about what he does for LOTRO Players.  After the episode we decided that Braxwolf is a new permanent co-host for the show!

Small LOTRO Adventures

Beneath Your Feet

Dwarven Haiku

Update 11/Wildermore Review

(see below for letter grade)

-EPIC Story

-Side Quests

-Revised Mounted Combat

-Housing Changes

-Hobbit Presents

-Lalia’s Market/LOTRO Store

-New Rested XP System

-Final Thoughts

-Grades Breakdown

Pineleaf: A-

Lilikate: B

Mysteri: B-

Braxwolf: B+

Ethelros: B+

Andang: B-

Average Grade: B+



LOTRO Players does have several costs and we would love to have help to cover them.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to look for information on The Fellowship Walk in the coming weeks!

Thanks for watching!

15 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 8: Wildermore Review”

  1. Ok – I’m going to have to agree with Myst on a point here with regards to Wildermore warbands. Guys… grow a pair! =)

    I think the WBs should have larger paths, with the possibility of running into them randomly more often. Pen them up into a smaller path where nobody has solo quests? Now really, would that be how an elite mob would operate? Constantly doing donuts in the middle of nowhere? I would think they would be testing and harassing the NPC guards outside of towns.

    The zone itself really is not that hard for a basically geared character. I think having to keep your head on a swivel would add a much needed element of danger and excitement.

    Great update review!

    1. While I can’t speak for my co-hosts, I didn’t mean that they need to pen the warbands in the corner. I actually meant I really just want things spread out a little more to give warbands room to roam over the entire zone. In Rohan they rarely run into areas you are questing but they roam over the zone. I wish they continued this in Wildermore or put the really hard ones in an instance.

  2. Regarding the discussion of Character Transfers early in this episode:
    The return of World Character Transfers were announced on August 8th, in this forum thread:

    Yes, the page on the Turbine Support page is out of date, but I can confirm that character transfers are in effect. Amberflower and I recently transferred from Gladden to Landroval. 🙂

      1. Oops, sorry! Thought you guys knew! 🙂

        It is odd that they announced it under the “Account Support Questions” section. I noticed that there are also posts in that forum for “Character Undeletes are available again!” and “Kinship Renames are Available again!”. Given that the Character Transfer FAQ hasn’t been updated, but transfers are available, it makes one wonder if either: A, Turbine isn’t making a big deal out of this on purpose, or B, Turbine has some communication issues.

        Anyway, yes, the transfer worked. Huzzah!

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