common elements:
Amon (pl. Emyn) ~ Hill
Orod (pl. Ered) ~ Mountain
Dol ~ ‘head’ often applied to hills and mountains
Amon Ros, Lone-lands
Amon meaning hill, ros meaning spray or foam or ross meaning rain. Hill of Rain, I think.
Emyn Hoedh, Ered Luin
Emyn meaning hills, hoedh is the plural of haudh which means grave, burial mound or tomb. Perhaps Barrow Hills, given the common term for ancient tombs seems to be barrows.
Dol Ringwest, Ered Luin
Dol loosely meaning hill, ring meaning cold and west ~ breath or breeze. Hill of the Cold Breeze.
Ered Luin (no screenshot, this refers to both the mountain range and the zone found in Lotro)
Ered meaning mountains, luin meaning blue. The Blue Mountains.
Orodost, Ered Luin
Orod meaning mountain, ost meaning fortress . Mountain Fortress.
(Translations are from the Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin, The Silmarillion, J.R. R. Tolkien or Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary. I am not an expert at all – if you see any mistakes please let me know!)
Excellent post! It’s cool to see what those names mean, I never thought to look up the translations of those places before! I picked Lim- for the prefix for all my character names, I liked it because it means swift, swiftly or clear, sparkling, light. I added the extra M for funzies!
Always great to learn a little Elvish in the morning!
I always like to make sure my Elvish is correct!