Let’s Look at Lieutenants: Chaos FiendLet’s Look at Lieutenants: Chaos Fiend
Role: Damage Group Settings: Fellowship and Raid In an earlier post, we looked at the Bearer of Blight, who had some nasty effects relating to the various debuff
Role: Damage Group Settings: Fellowship and Raid In an earlier post, we looked at the Bearer of Blight, who had some nasty effects relating to the various debuff
Torval arrived in Bree in the dead of night. After convincing the gatekeeper he had nothing to do with whatever “strange doings and weird men” the keeper had mentioned, he
common elements: Amon (pl. Emyn) ~ Hill Orod (pl. Ered) ~ Mountain Dol ~ ‘head’ often applied to hills and mountains Amon Ros, Lone-lands Amon meaning hill, ros meaning spray or foam or ross meaning rain. Hill of