Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 41

Fellow of Creeps LP PicThis week we started off scattered over the map chasing down Freeps and then quickly went to try and take an outpost.  We then went all over the map fighting the bad fight for the Creeps.

This week I was able to make a ton of progress to my Wildermore video series.  I also have been working on the Fellowship Walk.

Shurz hasn’t really done anything in LOTRO but he is making progress through SWTOR.

Spridra has continued her screenshot series but she is making progress on her mini.

Pineleaf continued his hobby of doing more in LOTRO than everyone.

This week we did not get any donations but we do need help to cover hosting costs.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!

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