Beneath Your Feet 21: Bag End

Bag End! Most desirable of hobbit holes. The home of the Bagginses is a symbol or entry point into Middle-earth. In this episode we look at the history of the place, its meaning and its layout. Not a bad thing to have to all of you fall festivalers.

More on Bag End

This episode’s music:
  • Bilbo’s Song by The Tolkien Ensemble [buy]
Bag End floorplan from The Atlas of Middle-earth
(scan thanks to Syp)

5 thoughts on “Beneath Your Feet 21: Bag End”

  1. In the modern days Bags End would make for a lovely B&B to stay at. It has just the right layout for one and a little garden area for people to relax as long as they don’t bring dogs that think it’s a poopey area.

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