Small LOTRO Adventures: Picking Flowers & Hunting for Wolves.



Greetings Fair Folk,


(Yes that means you too Sig!)


Here is another installment of our new show, Small LOTRO Adventures.


Hosted by myself Lilikate and Lizzy my small Hobbit friend.

In this episode Lizzyrose explores the land just outside of Archet, as she tries to help Strider and the local people.

Also on a fast track mission to find a more suitable outfit.

Please excuse our calling Bronwe’s Folly, “Browns” for the entire duration of this clip. It only took me four years to read the name correctly.

Lizzy has the mouse and keyboard, after a little while she gets to grips with gaming basics! Well done Lizzy! She also had a hand in the post filming process too.





5 thoughts on “Small LOTRO Adventures: Picking Flowers & Hunting for Wolves.”

  1. Nice work ladies, Lizzy will be dispatching Saruman in no time!

    Good selection of music, I’ve always been a fan of MacLeod’s work – great background choices + royalty-free = <3

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