(This article contains my personal views on the subject of griefing, it may not be the view held by LOTRO Players).
I wanted to share with you all an experience I had last night. I happened to get an opportunity to play LOTRO at the time when I knew on the Dwarrowdelf Server that the band “A Rock and a Hard Place” had their weekly concert.
I had already created Lilikate on that server but she was still only half way through the introduction, so I hurried to complete it and got the first horse available to Bree Town.
I found the band opposite the stable. I was so happy to find them in fine form with a small crowd enjoying their music. I made my greetings, flashed my Weatherstock Title, and began dancing.
But then this began to happen:
then this:
finally this:
What I did notice was a persistent element who were quite determined to be a nuisance. After a while of trying to negotiate with these players I placed a report of harassment.
I am sure a gm showed up right away in invis mode, as the annoying continued I used the say channel to suggest others in the crowd trying to enjoy the show file a report also. But at this moment the pests rode away! (THANKYOU GM)
The rest of the evening was spent in peaceful merriment.
I wanted to take this moment to let you all know on Sunday night there is not only Andune at 3.00pm on the Landroval, but over on Dwarrowdelf at the Bird and Baby the Rocks are holding another concert at 3,00pm also. So everyone go out and support these excellent creative players.
Sunday 11th August 3.00pm est
Landroval Bree Stage – Andune
Dwarrowdelf The Bird and the Baby – The Rocks and a Hard Place
Thanks to : Glorgnorbor, Bruzo, Gorann, Aliawen, Honkybong, Sarundui, Frie, Nelphindal, Melusinae and Lutera. (The Rocks)
My 4 step plan for concert pests:
So if your trying to attend a concert, you find that your music is being ruined by others playing to near, or setting pets on the band or riding their mounts over crowd and band alike, this is what you do…..
1. Ask politely for the person to stop, give them a little time to get bored and stop. Maybe try asking a second time, but no more than twice.
2. If they don’t stop griefing add them to your ignore list.
3. If ignore fails to solve your issue, file a harassment report.
4. Remember counter griefing helps nobody…. So do what you came to do and listen to the music and dance!
I never understand the mentality of those who decide to do these actions, if they hate concerts so much go kill some orcs! Really is it that much fun standing on the spot where someone is playing music?
I think Griefers should be reported. Maybe they are just jealous that they don’t have the talent to play in a band. It doesn’t matter the reason, griefing should not be tolerated.
I am glad you reported them Lili
Have fun
Great report Lilikate!
Griefers are just a sad. When I see some, I just think, why do they wish to make a fool of themselfes. Is actually noone that find them fun/particulour smart/cool or mature. But I guess they find somekind of adrenaline to ruin/grief for others. I feel sorry for them rather than annoyed.
Anyone good blog Lilikate
Great stuff – I love getting to watch the bands. It really annoys me when you get the griefers. If they don’t like that sort of thing, fair enough – we all play this game for different reasons – but it annoys me that they actually spend time trying to ruin it for everyone else. They wouldn’t do it in real life (well I doubt they would be that brave anyway!)
Thank you very much for the kind words, Lilikate. The griefers were worse than usual that night, and I apologize that they soured your experience on Dwarrowdelf. I hope you can visit us again soon, as even with the griefers, you made the evening a blast! It was an hour to have you visit us, same to Rathinosk. Once again, I apologize for the griefers and thank you for the kind words.
~Glorgnorbor/Lanvoc… The Rocks.
Heh Glor, no need for you to apologize! I had a great time listening to you and the rest of the Rocks. Will look forward to the next time I can swing by Dwarrodelf and pay a visit!
Oh that seems like it would have been so frustrating! I think you did the right thing Lilikate!
Do the Rocks have a regularly scheduled concert? If so, I’d like to add it to the list on LOTRO Music.
All times EST:
They play on Dwarrowdelf
Fridays by the West Gate in Bree Town at 5.00pm
They have just started playing on Sundays at 3.00pm at various drinking establishments around Middle-Earth. Next Sunday they are at the Prancing Pony.