New Classes

One thing many people bring up when talking about things Turbine might do to encourage sustained play and having players create alts is adding new classes to the game.

I am all for adding new classes, however I don’t expect Turbine will be adding anymore – but I still think it would be fun to speculate or talk about what we would like to see added.

A friend of mine had made this suggestion to me once, and gets all the credit for the idea, but I really like it and would love to see it:

We already have this class of sorts in the game, but it is not available to the players. They are the Brigand/Blackwold Captains that use a two handed weapon, light or medium armor and caltrops or other movement hindering tricks.

The player character equivelent would be a damage dealing class with some minor crowd control and/or debuffs, medium armor and a two handed weapon. Defense would be all in evade and parry.

Would this step on the toes of other classes? Yup. Would it be fun though? Absolutely!

Besides the common wish for players being able to create Rangers, what new classes would you like to see?

12 thoughts on “New Classes”

  1. I’d like a Bounder, Would be a collection of skills to cover a sneak, a bit of melee and ranged, medium armour and the ability to rouse others if needed.

    1. Cool idea 🙂 I was thinking this could also help the issue of certain classes being restricted to certain races. Your Bounder sounds like a nice hobbit variation on Captain, but unique to hobbit skills.

      Another example would be an Elvish Scout. The mechanics would be based on Burglar type abilities: stealth, dual-wielding elvish long-knives. This avoids the Rogue/Burglar-elf that makes some in the lore community cringe.

      Lastly, a Hobbit version of Loremaster (without the debated fire & lightning effects) would be based off of Farmer Maggot and others. It would have pets, have a bit more on the hunter-side of things instead of “magic”, and some nice herb-lore/earthy based skills to remove poisons,track etc. Not sure on a name.

  2. I guess I wonder what role a new class would take? Melee tanks? We’ve got those. Main healz? Minstrels and rune-keepers. CC and debuffs? LMs and burgs.

    I’d like to see another stealth class, which would work nicely into a ranger class. Or perhaps a ranged tank character. Maybe another “magic” class.

    To me, the problem with introducing another class is that LOTRO already has 9 classes. There’s already been substantial backlash against rune-keepers as a “lore-breaking/bending/stretching” class, so what else could they add that isn’t “magic” in a way that would both preserve game balance and fit into the established lore of Middle-Earth?

    I know it’s established that the 5 Istari were sent to watch over Middle-Earth, but if they’re going to introduce rangers, why not have “lesser wizard” be a playable class?

  3. I think you hit the nail on the head Vraeden. It’s not so much that there aren’t plenty of ideas for new classes, it’s that there is no real hole in class functionality now that a new class could fill.
    Having said that, I’ve sometimes thought that a full pet class might be nice, where the pet or pets are the main focus of the classes abilities, not just an addition. Or a class that focuses on some mixture of buffing and debuffing to control the battlefield(Sort of a mixture of a burglar and captain)
    But really I’m content with the way things are.

  4. For me it’s not about “what hole can it fill” in terms of fellowship rolls. I’ve never really been concerned with if there are multiple options for a single roll.

    For me it’s about adding some more flavor.

    A full pet class would be fun! Beastmaster!

  5. I think it’s been suggested several times in places like the LOTRO forums, but it seems like a Beorning class could be pretty neat (shapeshifter). I suppose the fact that it could only be available to Man might be a detraction (since Man already has one racial-specific class). AoE damage/AoE buffer (Beorn once buffed a troupe of dwarves, a hobbit, and wizard!) – maybe make him medium armor? Separate skill bars for man/bear form.

    In terms of special roles, does tactical-based melee have a place in the game already? Or would that just throw off their balance in terms of gear itemization?

  6. A pet class but with a different range of animals for each race…I want a hobbit pet class!

      1. You got me Sig! I’ll be your pet. I’ll even groom your beard…Find me some critters in there too!

  7. “The player character equivelent would be a damage dealing class with some minor crowd control and/or debuffs, medium armor and a two handed weapon. Defense would be all in evade and parry.”

    If you remove the two handed weapon usage, that is precisely what we Scouts (Burglars) are. I would not mind sneaking up on some creep with a halberd, though!

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