Small LOTRO Adventures… Brace Yourselves!

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To all the freefolk out there in the wild world,


I welcome you all to the pure joy, which is: Small LOTRO Adventures.

This is a new LOTRO Vidcast featuring myself, Lilikate. However I am not alone. I have a co-host, Lizzy.

We hope to bring you snippits of our adventures through Middle-Earth. (I hope for snippits, Lizzy would talk at you all for hours if unchecked!).

The first episode is entitled “Lizzyrose”. Featuring the character creation screen. The second is a visit to the Hobbit Races with Lilikate.

If the title is pink it’s a Lizzy episode, if the title is green then you can be sure of a much more sensible adventure with Lilikate. Be warned! in some episodes Lizzy will take control of the mouse and keyboard, in others I will be reduced to fits of giggles at the pearls of wisdom uttered by my little friend.

“More of a stumble-over than a walk through”- Lilikate Buggins


(This is my first venture into making video, so bear with us as we navigate the inner workings of video and audio quality, things will improve!)

I hope you watch, I hope you enjoy watching and return for more!


Lilikate and Lizzy



Episode 1: Lizzyrose


Episode 2: A Taste of Hobbiton


7 thoughts on “Small LOTRO Adventures… Brace Yourselves!”

  1. Something tells me Miss LizzyRose is going to be a very proper and insistent hobbit lass indeed 🙂

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