Free Sample of the Week.
Sturdy Steel Key
Use coupon code KEY88 1/Account
Lilikate Says: As the new forums are still undergoing development, much of the sales information is unclear at the time I write this report. I shall post this basic information now and follow up with a more detailed store sales review as soon as possible.
It’s sunday 4/8 and I discovered the sale page is now all neat and tidy, so I will add the information that is missing. Normal sale reviews shall resume next week.
Store Sales.
Quest Packs: 20% Off

Legacies: 20% Off

Scroll of Combination: 20% Off

Relic Removal Scroll: 20% Off

Max Morale and Power: 20% Off

Also: Steed of the Hunter, Steed of the Nightwood, and Heavy Set of the Entwash.
Awesome job Lilikate!
Sturdy Steel Key for Free!
Can’t beat that with a stick!
A TP sale at the same time as a Legacy Upgrade sale?
… unusual.
Would love to see how the Esgaroth steed dyes.
Ah, nevermind. Legacy sale, not upgrade.
I can has reeding.
I am sure there are many good blog posts about steeds. Supergirl of Lorien has excellent information about steeds. You can find a link in the blog roll. However she may not have the new steed yet.
Indeed she does — unfortunately the Steed dyes like crap. Even Supergirl had to substitute another saddle and tail to make anything remotely acceptable.
Great sale: Misty Mountains purchased! Race trait for Landroval Captain (from last week still in effect snapped up) and FREE sturdy key.
After use I got another or it gliched and remained, wasn’t complaining! 5 deed scrolls and a crafted savage sword!
TP less than a hundred, time to start building up again
Updated sunday 1.15pm est. I just included more details from the now tidy LOTRO page.
Thank you, Miss Lilikate!