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Store Sales August 2nd-8th.


Free Sample of the Week.


Sturdy Steel Key

Use coupon code KEY88 1/Account



Lilikate Says: As the new forums are still undergoing development, much of the sales information is unclear at the time I write this report. I shall post this basic information now and follow up with a more detailed store sales review as soon as possible.

It’s sunday 4/8 and I discovered the sale page is now all neat and tidy, so I will add the information that is missing. Normal sale reviews shall resume next week.


Store Sales.


Quest Packs: 20% Off

595-795 476-636
Store Location: Account → Quests & Content → Quest Packs
Levels: All


Legacies: 20% Off

195-795 156-636
Store Location: Goods & Services → Legendary Items → Legacies
Levels: 50+


Scroll of Combination: 20% Off

795 636
Store Location: Goods & Services → Legendary Items → Scrolls
Levels: 50+


Relic Removal Scroll: 20% Off

195 156
Store Location: Goods & Services → Legendary Items → Scrolls / Relics
Levels: 50+


Max Morale and Power: 20% Off

15-225 12-180
Store Location: Buffs & Boost → Combat → Morale / Power
Levels: All



Also: Steed of the Hunter, Steed of the Nightwood, and Heavy Set of the Entwash.

Other Sales

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

11 thoughts on “Store Sales August 2nd-8th.”

  1. A TP sale at the same time as a Legacy Upgrade sale?

    … unusual.

    Would love to see how the Esgaroth steed dyes.

    1. I am sure there are many good blog posts about steeds. Supergirl of Lorien has excellent information about steeds. You can find a link in the blog roll. However she may not have the new steed yet.

      1. Indeed she does — unfortunately the Steed dyes like crap. Even Supergirl had to substitute another saddle and tail to make anything remotely acceptable.

  2. Great sale: Misty Mountains purchased! Race trait for Landroval Captain (from last week still in effect snapped up) and FREE sturdy key.

    After use I got another or it gliched and remained, wasn’t complaining! 5 deed scrolls and a crafted savage sword!

    TP less than a hundred, time to start building up again 🙂

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