Find a Word

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What is more puzzling than an Elf and Dwarf liking each other -  try these.

What is more puzzling than an Elf and Dwarf liking each other – try these.

This week’s Puzzle is the Find a Word puzzle.

The words are names of people who you would find at some stage in Middle Earth, whether Elf, Man, Orc, Giant and even Dwarf.

Once you have found all the words in the list, the remaining letters will give you the answer to the question –

I am fat, I am jolly, I am always ready to help travellers in distress.  Who am I?

word find 1

3 Letters 4 Letters 5 Letters 6 Letters 7  Letters 8   Letters
Dis Dina Arwen Nazgul Smeagol Peregrin
Eol Will Amdir Elrond Gandalf Galadriel
Kyn Bolg Grima Gildor Baggins Barliman
Nan Fili Eomer Galdor Lobelia Grimbold
Olo Kili Frodo Feanor Faramir Radagast
Tom Floi Gimli Gamgee Aragorn
Mim Dain Lindir Legolas
Azog Haldir Saruman
Bert Iminye Boromir
Took Gaffer
Sam Gollum

 Answer will be published next week. 

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