Month of the Chicken: Landroval Server Event

Month of the Chicken: Landroval Server Event post thumbnail image

month of the chicken

Announcement from the Bounders of the Shire found on the LOTRO forums.

August is Month a’ the Chicken!

This is our fourth year running this month of events. All times are in Bywater ((servertime)).

Once again, the Mayor has deemed August worthy of celebrating all things chicken in the Shire. As our pre-pitch, we’ll have an Egg Patrol in the Shire on Wendesday, July 31st starting at 9pm, handing out Sandson’s Famous Hardboiled Eggs to folks we happen to meet along the way.

This year’s festivities will feature:
– A Fish n’ Chicks FryDay on the 2nd at Overhill, starting at 9pm.
– Ales n’ Tales will be at Sandson’s Farm on Monday the 5th.
– FryDay the 9th will be an informal racing chicken informational night at Sandson’s Farm starting at 9pm.
– FryDay the 16th will be races with chickens, starting at 9pm. Prizes for winners and others as well.
– Saturday the 24th, at 9pm, will be our Grandest Hiders and Seekers with chickens to date! We plan to top our previous versions with more chickens than ever to find in the Shire. Prizes for seekers who find the hidden chickens!
– Saturday the 31st will be our closing event with an Escorted Run to Rivendell. Please be at Sandson’s Farm and ready with your racing chicken by 9pm so we can start together as close to 9 as possible.

We look forward to this year’s events, and hope you come to one or more yourself!

To join in the spirit of the Month a’ the Chicken, if you have a Cloak of the Cluck or a Chicken Mask from Farmer’s Faire, feel free to wear them during the month of August.

Questions, concerns, or those wanting to volunteer can send a post to Daffodilia, care of the Addernotch Station House of the Bounders of the Shire at 4 Brookbank Rd, Shire Homesteads.

4 thoughts on “Month of the Chicken: Landroval Server Event”

  1. Hmm…Cloak of the Cluck is probably my single most favoritist cosmetic I wants in LOTRO. This may be my motivation to earn it! Thanks for featuring all things chicken. This will be great.

  2. Thankies fer posting up one a’ our fliers!

    We look forward to seeing everyone at whichever events they attend.

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