In this episode of the LOTRO Academy podcast, Branick, Mysteri, and Pineleaf continue their 2013 Character Guide with discussions on the introductions, early game structure, beginning group content, crafting, and LOTRO’s unique cosmetic system. Also, Branick refers to the Great Barrow as the Barrow Downs far too many times. Thanks for listening.
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- LOTRO Academy: 1 – Getting Started
- LOTRO Academy: 3 – Leveling to 20
- LOTRO Academy: 4 – Crafting
- LOTRO Academy: 6 – Skirmishes Part 1
- LOTRO Academy: 7 – Skirmishes Part 2
- LOTRO Academy: 10 – Fellowships
- Ask Pineleaf: Why are Skirmishes So Tough in the 40s?
- Getting Started! (Crafting Guide)
- Mysteri’s Crafting Guides on Steam
Exellent as always! This episode was indeed a good one!!
In regrads to thos stinky smelly dwaves
They were created in secret by Mahal. Ilúvatar did not grant him permission to do this. and he was told to destroy them. He was getting ready to do so, and took a hammer and was ready to strike them down, and they shrunk in horror. Upon seeing this Ilúvatar took pity on them, and allowed them to live. He ordered the Seven Fathers to sleep, until he was ready for them to awake, which happened after the Awaken of the elves…
Close, but the order of events there isn’t quite right. Iluvatar orders Mahal (or Aule) to destroy the Dwarves and Mahal raises his hammer to obey, weeping. Iluvatar takes pity on Mahal. When the Dwarves shrink away, it is a sign that Iluvatar has granted them true life, not that they had it before his intervention.
As for the Dwarves’ beliefs about themselves, my understanding is that their own mythology doesn’t differ when it comes to their beginnings, but to their endings. They revere Mahal as their maker and believe that he has set a place for them in Mandos separate from the halls of the Elves.
“Prototype” doesn’t seem quite right since they were not created as a forerunner to the Children of Iluvatar, but out of impatience for the Children to arise and a desire to pass on the teachings of his craft. He couldn’t, of course, give them life because only Iluvatar may do so and they were a failure in that respect. Until, that is, they *were* given life and a place in Iluvatar’s designs. So Mahal’s creations were a success in the end.
Well, in my opinion, it doesn’t really matter how they happened, what matters is their creator should have thought twice about it
Have fun
Two comments on Farming:
1) I regularly farm 10 crops at a time, and don’t have an issue collecting them.
2) If you are just looking to level the crafting without having to spend the time watching it, you can but lots of seeds, plant them all and don’t bother harvesting. Go read a book, etc., come back in 20 minutes.
Wow… 10 crops. I have never been that fortunate. Yeah u could do that. I tend to harvest the crops and then when making them into whatever I go do housework, watch tv, log onto another computer and do some other crafting
I just can’t get over 10 crops. I wonder why I can’t be a successful 10 crop farmer
Have fun
I love the bleeps for spoilers. Great episode!
Great episode as always! Looking forward to Mysteri’s crafting guides, I recall having a lot of trouble finding useful information as a new player.
To fill in a little bit on housing decorations, it’s the Farmer, not the Cook, that makes flower arrangements. The weaponsmith can make at least 2 decorations, the recipes for which are purchased from the Wardens of Annuminas: the Leaf Blade Candlestick and Leaf Blade Chandelier.
Yeah it is… sorry, the Cook does the tables, Feast tables etc… I don’t know how I got that confused
Have fun
Hey, guys, what about doing a segment on travel in LOTRO, if only to consolidate the information in one place? Hunter porting, Warden movement, Milestone, extra Milestones, Race ports, Rep ports, House ports, where Swift Travel is available (and to where)? Also, advice to beginners on to what extent the game experience is hurt by difficulty traveling as different classes/races? Then advice on minimizing travel times. I’d love to see that.
That is a great idea JBB. I was doing a guide on it for the site, but it is scheduled for sometime in the future as all my time atm is organising the Fellowship Walk. It might be good to do it as a podcast topic though in the meantime. I am not sure though how many shows Branick has already scheduled.
Have fun
It’s my understanding that the restrictions with the instance finder were when you were entering the queue with a partial group. It was initially trying to find both a tank and healer for small fellowships, which was not really needed and made it impossible to fill a random group if 2 people queued both as dps. Now it looks for a tank or healer.
I don’t recall that it was ever placing restrictions on already formed groups using it for the bonuses.
Lotro Academy:
If you can read Excel Files, I can send you my LOTRO Compendium. Email me your email address if you want to use this file. It is essential tool for beginners & Intermediate players. It is a collection of topics gathered into one place from around the Web. See below for the table of contents:
1 I. Intro
A. Why is LOTRO one of the Best MMO’s (Include Region & Level Updated Sheet)
B. Game History & Time Line
C. Player Type: Free/Premium/VIP
2 II. Server
3 III. Classes
4 IV. Races
5 V. Winning Race & Class Combos
6 VI. Maps & Regions
7 VII. Travel
A. Horses
B. Milestones
C. Special Travel Skills (i.e. Hunter Travel Skills)
8 VIII. Crafting
A. Professions & Vocations
B. Guilds
C. Levels
9 IX. Houses
10 X. Deeds & Traits
A. Deeds & Traits
B. Deed List
C & D. Stats
11 XI. Reputation
12 XII. Legendary Weapons
13 XIII. Plug-Ins
14 XIV. Epic Story
15 XV. Skirmishes & Instances
16 XVI. Auction House, Vaults & Kinships
A. Auction House
B. Vaults
C. Kinships
17 XVII. Misc
18 XVIII. Suggested Turbine Point Purchases
19 XIX Walkthrough
A. Top Tips for Faster Leveling
B. Walkthrought (Levels 1-65)
C. Walkthrought (Levels 66-75)
D. Riders of Rohan (Levels 76-85)
20 Monster Play
21 XX. Wishlist (New HobbiesCross Server Instances)
22 XXI Appendix (Not Started – I have wanted to add more detail class outline )
Sources & References: