LOTRO Store Sales: 26th July – 1st August 2013.


Free Sample of the Week

Max Morale and Power Scroll x1

Use coupon code BST85 1/Account


Lilikate Says: Always handy to have a little something extra in those tight situations. Maybe you fished up something with a bigger bite than a Catfish? Go grab a free scroll today and heal your depleted moral! (and power).


Store Sales


Virtues: 25 % Off

395 296

Custom-tailor your character’s strengths based on your play-style or fellowship need by equipping stackable Virtues. Gain increased morale and power, mitigate various damage types, and more!
*Includes Rank 15/16 virtues!


Store Location: Character → Virtues

Levels: 7+

Lilikate Says: Store bought virtues are one of those things I can’t quite make up my mind about. You can earn these advancements while playing. If the grind is making you depressed then why not form a party and go grind with friends? Saying that, every little helps, right? Especially if your trying to make your character as good as they can be. Then why not buy from the store? Possibly more suited to those at level cap and raiders.



Virtue Bundles: 25 % Off

1400-2500 1050-1875

Custom-tailor your character’s strengths based on your play-style or fellowship need by equipping stackable Virtues. Gain increased morale and power, mitigate various damage types, and more!
*Includes Rank 15/16 virtues!


Store Location: Character → Virtues

Levels: 30+

Lilikate Says: I shall have to take a look in store to see how many levels of virtues are on offer, generally not something I would look to buy, as I am more likely to spend my points on storage and cosmetics. Again I am not sure about in store virtues, I tend to go the grindy route and earn mine the hard way. How virtuous is buying virtues from the store anyway?

I have just been in store to check this offer and have this to report.  4 ranks of any virtue costs in this sale: 1050tps. 8 ranks of virtues cost 1875tps. I understood that any 4/8 levels are available in the bundle up to the level 16th of each kind.



Trait Slots: 25 % Off

95-195 71-146

Customize and make your character more powerful by unlocking additional Virtue, Class, Race or Legendary Trait Slots to use with your virtues, traits, and legendary abilities.


Store Location: Character → Character Upgrades → Trait Slots

Levels: Varies

Lilikate Says: I like this sale for all those with f2p accounts. It would have been nice if they had knocked a little more off the price. I think this is probably the best sale offer of the week.  I bet it will fare well in this weeks poll….(See below for this weeks poll).



Skill and Slayer Deed Boosts: 25 % Off

150-3000 113-2250

Earn virtues, titles, and even Turbine Points by completing deeds! Earn double-rewards for slaying Goblins, Spiders, and more for 90 minutes! Stacks of 5 & 25 available.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → Deed

Levels: 5+

Lilikate Says: We had a free Skill and Slayer Deed Boost last week so we all know how nice they are!  Deeding can be such a time sink so popping one of these can cut the time deeding by 50%. Thumbs up from me, but I do have to admit I doubt I would use one except for the higher area deeds, usually I prefer to grind my deeds out over time.




Also: Steed of the Rune-keeper, Steed of the Khundolar, and Heavy Set of the Wold.



Other Sales


July 26th – 28th:

35% off 100% XP Boost
40% off 100% Craft Crit
30% off Tomes of Fate



Last week the shared storage was the most popular sale item according to the voters on LOTRO Players….Which will be most popular this week?

Would you like to see more classes added to LOTRO?

View Results

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9 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales: 26th July – 1st August 2013.”

  1. Firstly, many thanks for taking the reins from Goldenstar at CSTM to continue the tradition of covering and evaluating the store sales!

    Minor suggestion: schedule the post for when the store sales are live (which is midnight US eastern time, I believe). It’s always seemed odd that Turbine would post the weekly sales before they’re available, but c’est la vie.

  2. Thanks for your kind comments and suggestion.

    I think the information is released in time for it to go live for folks in non-EST time zones, I also noted that the sales are not released at a regular time from week to week.
    I just checked the virtue bundles at 18.50 EST 25th 7/13 and they are on sale already.
    So as soon as I have it ready, I will post and update as I go along…

    1. Indeed, the weekly sales overlap. Sometime around 4 or 5pm Eastern Time, the new sale goes live, but the old one continues. For example, all the text and links on the store’s homepage switched to virtues hours ago (I’m writing at 12:15 AM EDT). Storage is still on sale, but you have to search or browse for it. I don’t know when they go back to regular price, though. As of right now, both sales are available.

      1. Thank you both for clarifying! I suppose I should have known it was more complicated than I imagined. I was going by the free sample, which seems to become available at midnight… but then again, maybe I got that wrong too! 🙂

  3. I am sure the free sample will be there, you just have to wait a teeny bit longer for the code to work!

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