The Songburrow Strollers: A Belated Concert Report.

The Songburrow Strollers: A Belated Concert Report. post thumbnail image

strollers banner

It has been a long week, but what a week it was. It was also only a week ago when the Songburrow Strollers gave us the only concert in The Shire. This small group of Hobbit folk gave us an event that could only be described as “grand!”.

A sunny day at the Three Farthing Stone near Bywater the Songburrow Strollers gave a stunning performance of songs and tunes which evoked everything I love about hobbits and the land they call home. The verses were just sublime, you really had to be there!

They played a total of nineteen songs but the time went so fast it felt only like a half dozen. A lively and upbeat time was had by all, with many a sore toe and heel from dancing all day and well into the night.

Sit back and light a pipe or nibble a treat while I tell you about my favourite tunes. I loved all the jigs and reels, something one could really get tapping your toes too!


Grand Weatherstock Song:  “Be yer hobbit, dwarf or longshanks, If yer dance we give yer our thanks. We’re the Strollers, dance with us tonight” The opening set the tone for the entire event, this was to be a concert of participation and enjoyment, no matter who you are or where you have come from.

The Bramblebury Gazette: I adored this song and it’s lyrics and it made me go subscribe myself to the Gazette. I love those stories about something being lost, or a strange Dwarf breaking a chair. I remember a tale about my old Gammers, Ginger tom, Tiddles getting stuck in a tree. That would have made a fine newspaper story, it would! Of all the songs I think this one made me the most homesick for my beloved Shire.

The Lazy Bounder: Lazy Bounders!  Could there be such a thing? Well just pop into the Golden Perch or the Ivy Busy and I will bet you will find one looking at the bottom of a mug of something! Great lyrics, brilliant song!

Grand Biscuit Song:

I leapt up and headed straight for me larder
It beckoned me near, it called out my name
Imagine my look when I threw it open
No biscuits inside, my cheeks burned with shame

Neither some biscuits nor crumpets nor cookies
Nothing inside, not even a crumb

The worst thing about this song was that it made me hanker for Crumpets and Cheddar so badly.

(RL Lilikate can’t get those in the part of the world she resides).

Grumpy Hobbit: I feel sorry for the grumpy Hobbit, having lost all his joy at life…..Maybe he should begin chasing the lasses again and get a drop of brew in his belly. Another lovely folk song…Could listen to this for days on end…

Strollers Waltz:

“The Songburrow Strollers are playing today”
Sing fall-de-dol doodle-dum fall-de-dol doodle-dum
Fall-de-dol doodle-dum lidy-I-dee

Loved it! more lidy i dee for me please! Lovely to hear a waltz too…Lovely to dance too.

So popular were the Strollers that they were made to continue playing for their Green Hatted followers…..(Remember to pack a hat next concert!) We were treated to more music as the evening grew into a starry night. Those Strollers saved some goodun’s for last.

Drink the Shire Dry! No! Those big folk will never ever drink our little Shire dry! Amazing lyric, amazing song and what sentiment….Pass the brew now please!

“Paddie, widdie, waddle, widdie, bow, wow, wow”          Lilikate=  /bow

Sheepdog known as Ruff: Now another new favourite of mine! I loved this Sheep dog by the end of the song we seemed to have populated the entire Shire with mini Ruffs! I must get my Aunty to look out for one for me.

In Brockenborings there is a dog who is scrawny and small and scarred
But all the sheep on the Greenfields feel so much safer when he’s on guard
He plays with children, he chases wolves, he’s brave and he’s kindly and tough

Bywater Bouncing Song: All hail the Bouncing song! What a delight and Lizzy and I bounced the entire tune! More boinging please! (mashes space bar!)

Home Sweet Home: The last of the evening and nothing more need to be said but that I am booking a two week holiday at the Green Dragon.. Catch up on all things Shire related and visit old friends! I even fancy breaking out into verse every now and then……

Whenever we go out of bounds, wherever we may roam
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home
A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there
Which, seek through the world, is not met with elsewhere
Home, home, sweet home, sweet home
There’s no place like home, oh there’s no place like home

Thankyou Songburrow Strollers for being the band that captured my Hobbit heart…. I will be swinging by to visit you on your home server and hopefully hear more of your grand songs in the near future. I may even try and come up with a verse or two to share.


Interview with the Songburrow Strollers!


What prompted you to start a band?
It was so long ago, that memories get hazy, but it was around five years ago, at the wedding of Lothilia Bolewood and Rurydoc Featherfoot. As members of the Grand Order of the Lost Mathom, they asked some other member’s to play some music for them at the wedding. It was such a grand experience, the newly formed band decided to stay together.
Currently, the Strollers have four members: Simbo and Rowana were among the original Strollers, while Sevelda and Lina have joined over the years. Sometimes, we have guest Strollers playing with us as well, which is always a grand and lovely experience!

How did you decide what to call the band?
The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom have their kin hall based in the village of Songburrow, so it seemed only right and proper to use that in their name. The Strollers part probably came about because we planned to ‘stroll’ about all over the Shire, making music where we went!

Do you compose or transcribe your own music?
The Songburrow Strollers play the music that have been composed by others, often favouring tunes from days of yore, as part of a noble folk tradition. However we do like to tinker with the tunes to ensure it fits our style, and most of the transcribing will be done by the talented Lina.

How about original music?
If we could write original music, we would! But if we were ever offered the chance to play some original music penned by someone else, then I think we would be honoured to do so too.
However, we write a lot of song lyrics to the tunes we play, more often than not describing the joys of the good Shire life, grand food, pies and biscuits. That’s often enough to make a hobbit bounce. Which they do. Sometimes!

What genre does your band like to play the most?
We tend to favour more traditional folk music, although we are certainly not adverse to playing more contemporary tunes. Mainly we like to play tunes that can get people dancing and enjoying themselves. Jigs and reels are usually popular, but we do throw in the occasional slow number too.

Do you regularly hold public concerts? And if so, when and where?
The Strollers have embarked on a number of ‘tours’ over the years, mainly in the Shire, but often in Breeland too, and welcome anyone to attend, even tall folk! Usually, we play every two or three months, sometimes a bit more if requested at special events.

Do you perform with a band outfit? If so, how did you decide what to wear?
We currently all wear the same green tunic, and treat this very much as our uniform. I think at the time it was just a case of trying out various things, and seeing what everyone liked the best. Green really works well with The Shire, obviously. It is a green and pleasant land.

What is your favourite part of performing music?
Music would be worthless without anyone to listen to it, so the best part is seeing a happy audience smiling, singing and dancing to the tunes. And when there are cries of ‘encore’ at the end, then you know you have been doing something right!

If you could say one thing to encourage others to start playing music, what would it be?
Don’t be put off by thinking it is too hard. Just playing two or three notes to start with is a wonderful thing!


Links and Information:


In this part of my report I wanted to show you all where you can view this wonderful band. Also the kin “The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom” host many wonderful player run events in and around The Shire.

In this first link, not only can you see a clip of The Songburrow Strollers at the concert but you can also see me dancing in my best dress! Too many treats! I know:)

An Unexpected Vidcast Episode 3: Brilliant show and thanks for the snippit!

My List of Links:

Lina’s Biscuity Burrow: Lina WIllowwood likes yellow and biscuits. Hosts her own site full of songs and stories and much more.

The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom: Kinship web page and scholarly society dedicated to the preservation, collection and further understanding of mathoms.

The Bramblebury Gazette: Bookmark this page for all you local Shire news, information and gossip!

Lina on UTube: Amazing videos, great productions a must see!

Strollers on UTube: Here they are, last year performing at Bamfurlong!

5 thoughts on “The Songburrow Strollers: A Belated Concert Report.”

  1. Thank you! Yes, I was rather taken with the Strollers! They were fantastic and very entertaining.

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