Summerfest is coming!


It is time to dust off those fishing poles, pack a picnic and head on a journey through Middle Earth collecting Summer Festival Tokens to barter for riches and rewards.

July 24 sees the kick off of this year’s Summer festival.  Whether you are after some new cosmetics, a new horse, some housing cosmetics or emotes, this is the time to party until you have what you crave for.  Check out Breeland, The Shire, and Erid Luin for all those quests that will earn you tokens and don’t do it just once.  Keep on doing it until your fishing rod is broken and your packs are full!

I will most definitely be seeing you there, but don’t catch all my fish!

16 thoughts on “Summerfest is coming!”

    1. The new cosmetics are a matching robe, cloak, and hooded cloak.

      There’s also an old horse with a new tablecloth thrown over it, and a war-steed caparison to the same effect.

  1. Yeah I am a cosmetic freak myself 🙂 We will be putting a guide up to the festival as soon as we are able with this year’s new cosmetics. So stay tuned 🙂

    Have fun

  2. I’m excited for the festival, mostly so I can get my alts rep with the Inn League. I wish I could put more than one fishing line in at a time, but I guess that would be unsporting. :-p

  3. Yay! I so need a festival so I can get my new toons on Landroval some new threads, I really miss my wardrobe on Gladden whenever I log in on Landroval because I don’t have any pretty clothes yet!

    1. I miss my Gladden wardrobe too! I’m having fun (assuming server transfers will be opened again) going through all my vaults and picking which pretty clothes should come over to Landy in my minstrel’s bags…

  4. I need to get my dresses on all my Lilikate clones. The short sleeved summer frock is a favoutire of mine! Yay Go Gladys!

  5. I think the mounts and the cosmetics are the highlights of the rewards that you can trade for Summer Festival Tokens. Mind you I am a horse nut and love to look good whilst I am being killed by that creban, wolf, spider etc…

    Have fun

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