LOTRO Players News Episode 4: Revenge of the Crows

LPN E1 Pic 01This week we start off talking about Weatherstock V being the largest event ever in LOTRO!  There is a summary of the event here!

Game News

You can now get deleted characters returned to your account.  In update 11.2 BETA there is an account wide buff for steeds to go to +68% and a super-buff to go to +78%.  Please note that these are subject to change since they are only on BETA.

Store Sales

-Free sample: Skill and Slayer Deed Buff (SNSD1)

Free Dance Emote

-Storage and account limitation item sales

LOTRO Players News

What to Wear to Weatherstock

Lilikate’s Creatures Guide

Getting Started with Raiding

Guide: Battle for Erebor

LOTRO Steeds is coming to LOTRO Players!

Death by Wolf!

Character Selection

 An Unexpected Vidcast is now on LOTRO Players!

Tough 40’s Skirmishes

Rep Factions Guide

Eagle Lore Master Pet Guide

Beneath Your Feet Continues

 Elvish Placenames


A big thanks to Floradine for her donation to LOTRO Players!  Here is what she wanted to say…

I find it outstanding what you already have achieved and I have a lot of fun with all your great articles
and podcasts. I hope that you will find many more donors so that you can cover the cost for all the great
things you do for us.

I don’t have any special message other than just a heartfelt thank you and Hobbit hug to all of you.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to look for information on The Fellowship Walk in the coming weeks!

Thanks for watching!

8 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 4: Revenge of the Crows”

  1. Okay, my brain froze up in wonderment at the picture of so many people on the same color steed. I have to assume they all have the same war steed with the same skin and color, but who are they?

    Thanks for the news, too.

    1. That was from the early BETA back when there was only one color. We all were told to meet together like that to test lag for Rohan. At the time there was no lag and it was great. It is still a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see how they change mounted combat/improve it with Helm’s Deep!

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