Beneath Your Feet 11: Midgewater and the Weather Hills

Neek-breek! Breek-neek! It rings in your ears like creeping death. The buzzing, the moisture, the stinging and biting, the ruinous spiders and goblins All in a days work for you adventurers passing by Midgewater Marshes. And on the far side comes sweet relief as we find the Weather Hills and its most famousest peak, Weathertop. Have a look around these parts with me and Chris of as we go even further beneath your feet; like three inches worth of marshy water further beneath.

More info:

Breek or neek? Your choice.
Don’t forget to visit Chris over at
This week’s music…
-You Kill Bugs Good, Man by Minus the Bear [buy]
-Human Fly Trap by Blaster the Rocketman [buy]

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