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An introduction to Steeds of Middle Earth

Steed banner

Lotro Steeds is a concise and complete guide to horses, ponies and goats in LotRO,  a fantastic MMORPG based on the literary classics by J.R.R. Tolkein.

There are seven various types of steeds:  Stable horses, Starter horses, Temporary horses, Standard horses, Faction steeds, Festival horses, and Special/Deed steeds. Standard, Faction, Festival and Special/Deed steeds are available to experienced riders with the riding skill.

The special Bree starter horse is available to novice riders (lvl 5+) and may be purchased without having  completed a riding course from the LotRO Store in game. Passage between locations may be obtained by renting a stable horse at any stable in Middle Earth on which you will automatically ride a stable horse quite rapidly to your destination.

Ponies are smaller and stockier than horses but are equally as fast and as sturdy.

The following posts are the various steeds available and information as to their acquisition.  Humans and Elves ride horses, whereas Hobbits and Dwarves ride ponies.  Horses and ponies look identical except for stature and size, ponies appear smaller and stockier than horses. You can own multiple steeds, as they are added as a skill set and can be seen on the mounts tab of your character sheet.

Animation Sync Bug

Occasionally, you and your steed will be out of sync with each other. Watching your character  bounce up and down in the saddle can be a painful experience. To fix this, simply mount up, toggle ‘walk’ for a few seconds, then toggle back to ‘run’. I use a key bind for this. This will re-sync the animation and provide your character with a smooth ride..:-)

Steed related emotes

Available through the LotRO Store are some pretty awesome emotes that you can perform while mounted.   Each of the emotes work on all steeds and cost 195TP each in the Character/Emotes/Store Exclusives section of the LotRO Store.

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