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A guide to Festival Mounts

Celebrating festivals is a very fun aspect to LotRO.  Horses are given as rewards for participating in the four different festivals. In order to obtain a festival horse one must obtain the festival items required and exchange them for the mount from the festival trader. Previously you had to earn race tokens by running the races at either Bree Festival Grounds or Michel Delving.  Now you need to participate in events to receive tokens for exchange.  You may still run the races, but you will earn regular festival tokens and no longer race tokens.  Festival horses are equally as fast and as sturdy as regular horses.

Upcoming festivals and their prospective mounts.  There have been a lot of changes made to the festival programmes recently. Thus,  what you see here is how a specific festival horse was obtained. Future updates will include specific details as the up-and-coming festivals take place.

Know this one fact, Festival horses can only be obtained during their specific festival.  They may also become available in the LotRO store on occasion.

You will still require the Riding Skill to buy a horse and you will still need to obtain a Document of Mount Ownership, required number of Festival Tokens and 200 silver to purchase the horse of your choice.


Yule Fest 2008

Yule Fest
introduced in 2008
Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: Pony=Glory, Horse=Victory

In celebration of Yule, the original Yule Festival Steed is a chocolate brown steed with white points. It is equiped with a standard saddle and a festive blue and white snowflake patterned blanket.




Yule Fest Snow 2009

Yule Fest Snow
introduced in 2009
Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Snowdrift, Horse=Spruce

In celebration of Yule, the Yule festival Snow steed has a standard saddle and is adorned with a festive blue and white snowflake patterned blanket.




Harvestmath Fest 2009

Harvestmath Fest
introduced in 2009

Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Burr, Horse=Branches

In celebration of harvest-time, the Harvestmath festival horse has a standard saddle and a festive fall leaf pattern blanket.




Spring Fest 2009

Spring Fest
introduced in 2009

Available ONLY from the LotRO Store.

Cost: 1195TP
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=, Horse=Blossom

In celebration of the spring season, the Spring festival horse has a standard saddle and a festive deep green leaf pattern blanket.




Glittering Yule Pony 2010

Glittering Yule Fest
introduced in 2010

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Mistletoe, Horse=Winter’s Breeze

In celebration of Yule, the new Glittering Yule festival steed is a grey and white steed with dusty brown points. It has a white fur saddle and is adorned with a festive blue and white glitter patterned blanket and leg wraps.



Harvestmath Fest Sable 2010

Harvestmath Fest Sable
introduced in 2010

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 12 Fall Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Acorn, Horses=Dock

In celebration of Harvestmath, the Harvestmath festival Sable horse has a standard saddle and a festive gold and burgundy decorative blanket.




Lithe Fest Pale Golden

Lithe Fest Pale Golden
introduced in 2010

Available from Cam Applewood at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: Festival Run Token, 12 Summer Festival Tokens, and receipt of purchase for a regular horse.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Dustmote, Horse=Golden Dawn

In celebration of the summer season, the Pale Golden festival horse is a pale tan colour with black points and has a very decorative saddle and tack in a guilded golden style.




Spring Fest Blue Roan 2010

Spring Fest Blue Roan
introduced in 2010

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the
Bree-Land Horsefields for winning the spring festival race.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 spring leaves, 1 document
of mount ownership
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: P=Chase, H=Wind Runner

The Blue Roan is an awesome spring fest steed, PLAYER DESIGNED by Gundryn, it is a bluish grey with distinct yet subtle elven tack. Congratulations Gundryn for winning first place in the LoTRO horse design contest, well done! (Click here for Original design)



Frosty Yule Fest 2011

Frosty Yule Fest
introduced in 2011

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Yule Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100
Names: P=Snowball, H=Snowball

In celebration of Yule, the new Frosty Yule festival steed is a grey steed with festive blue and white saddle, blanket and leg wraps. A very nice addition to any stable!




Autumnfest Steed 2011

Autumnfest Steed
introduced in 2011

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 Fall Fest tokens, 1 document of mount ownership.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Treat, Horse=Trick

In celebration of Harvestmath, the Autumnfest Steed has a standard saddle and a festive gold and dusty violet tree design decorative blanket.




Summerfest Steed 2011Summerfest Steed
introduced in 2011

Available from Cam Applewood at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields.

Cost: Festival Run Token, 20 Summer Festival Tokens, and receipt of purchase for a regular horse.
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=Summer Meadow, Horse=Green-Field

In celebration of the summer season, the Summerfest festival horse is a white colour with light grey mane and tale, and has a very decorative saddle and tack in a stylish green and gold.




Springtime 2011

introduced in 2011

Available from Will Peartree at Hengstacer Farms in the Bree-Land Horsefields for winning the spring festival race.

Cost: 1 Festival Run Token, 20 spring leaves, 1 document
of mount ownership
Normal lvl: 5
Speed: +62%
HP: 100

Names: Pony=, Horse=March

The Springtime steed is the newest of spring fest steeds,it is a aged dark blonde steed with grey mane and tail. A brown decorative leather saddle with green accents sits atop this steed along with a very decorative gold and yellow festive blanket and leg braces all with green trim.

3 thoughts on “A guide to Festival Mounts”

  1. This section will be updated shortly to include the Festival horses from 2012 and 2013 thus far. I am busy working on graphics now and hopefully have them up soon. 🙂

    Have fun

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