Free Sample of the Week:
Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1
Use Coupon Code SNSD1 1/Account
Lilikate Says: Oh yes please! I find deeding in the higher level regions most tedious and one of these is most welcome. Thankyou.
Store Sales
Shared Storage 20% Off
595-995 476-796
Share items among your characters on the same server!
Easily manage shared items. Start with 20 slots; up to 110 extra slots available. Filter and search for items by name.
Store Location: Account → Account Storage
Levels: All
Llikate Says: Shared storage is so useful, I am always passing items between my characters, especially crafting resources. Always handy having extra storage, I never seem to have enough! Although I would be a bit wary at handing over 796 tps for some! 476 tps is more reasonable!
Vault Upgrade 20% Off
195-995 156-796
Store more!
- Store and organize your character’s items!
- Increase your number of vault storage slots by 15 per Vault Upgrade; up to 195 slots available (every character receives a 30-item vault for free).
Filter and search for items by name!
Store Location: Character → Vault Storage
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: I would use in-game gold to get my vault space as high as it will go, and only then would I buy vault space if I really needed it. Like for a crafting character.
Inventory Bags 20% Off
995 796
Increase the amount your character can carry! Unlock a 4th, 5th, and 6th Inventory Bag for all characters on your account – an extra 15 slots each! (Free for VIP bags 1-5 only).
Store Location: Account → Account Storage
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: What an excellent sale, although expensive the bags are account wide. That’s alot of storage space.
Lilikate Feels: I feel very sad! I bought my 6th bag last week! No fair turbine! (I’m oki, I just had some pie and custard, Can I have my /skip instead?)
Currency Cap 20% Off
395 316
- Remove the restriction on currency from all current and future characters created on your account!
- Allows you to buy a Deluxe house, which grants even more storage!
Store Location: Account → Currency Cap
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: Good for the f2p but they could have taken a little more off this…..I like the fact it means the larger homes are available for the free to players.
Also: Steed of the Rune-keeper, Steed of the Khundolar, and Heavy Set of the Wold.
Other Sales
July 19th – 21st:
35% off Tomes of Agility
30% off Enhanced XP Supply
35% off Virtue: Valour
I will check the store for other sales as we approach the weekend! Enjoy Weatherstock!
Last week On sale skirmishes were the most popular sale item, although more voters elected to save points. How do you all feel about this weeks collection of offers?

Keep up the great work Lilikate! I especially liked the “Lilikate feels” as it made me laugh…yet very sad at the same time.
Thanks for picking this up Lilikate. A useful addition to the site.
Thanks Lilikate, totally agree with the shared storage being the item of the week. I have been waiting weeks for it to come up for sale…at last I can share stuff!
Vault can be upgraded with in game cash to 120 slots…i was F2P and didn’t know that for an age and was juggling junk with 30 slots and 3 bags…
Isn’t it an amazing thing that now with 120 slots, 6 bags – 180 slots, and deluxe house 60 slots I am still running out of space!