Andunie: A Concert Report.

Andunie: A Concert Report. post thumbnail image

Arriving at the stables in Celendim it was difficult at first to spot the band. Taking a few steps along the docks I saw a crowd of people gathered. by the railing in brilliant white robes were a group of Elves. Indeed a sight to see, something I was quite astonished to witness. A light seemed to shine all around them, breathtaking in the moonlight.


The Band Andunie were introduced to the audience by Floradine Strongfoot, “You will hear the finest Elven music, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do”.


There were six Elf Maidens adorned in white dresses in the front line of the group and behind them were four robed Elf Gentlemen.

They greeted the gathered crowd and introduced their first song. “We begin with what is one of our signature songs. A unique number composed by Phedelene called Unity”. The song began with an interesting collection of rhythms played on drums, the rhythms all intertwining and beating with more complicated rhythms as the number progressed. I really felt the urge to begin dancing when it all ended! But then the audience erupted in cheers and applause.

Next introduced was a song called “Fellowship” again composed by Phedelene, Flutes began a rather complicated melody accompanied by Strings and Other woodwind. An upbeat and bright offering for the dancers in the gathered crowd.

Dispossessed was the next song, a composition by Makalaure A delicate melody begun on the lute with flutes pulsing an accompaniment. Then a flute took the melody as the song progressed other instruments would add their weight to the overall magic of the song. I loved the feelings transmitted by this song, of yearning and searching.

“Return over sea, is now closed to us. Rage on the land where the darkness lies.”


Phedelene also composed the next piece entitled Arnorian Rubble, inspired by the sights of the Lone Lands. A full orchestra for this number, it evoked the sights and smells of the Lands and it’s ruins.

We were all promised a treat next!

A song Elendil’s Sword was next, a transcription by Kalluin. Described for us as Dunedain Power Metal… A heavy and driven piece about old Kings fighting evil forces in Middle Earth.

Another song by Makalaure who sang along with the band. “Here comes the Flood”- A lament about a time long long ago, when the lands were engulfed in waters. And many Elves were drownded in floods. So sad!

We were then delighted with a composition all about a thunder storm, I loved this song as it felt like it was really going to thunder! We went on a journey through all weathers! Amazing how you can do this in a song! Well done Andunie. But there is always gold at the end of a rainbow! It may not be metal gold, it may just be a nice sandwich and a flask of wildberry juice. All depends on how you look at it, I guess.

A simple love song followed…”Lirille”-Sung for us again by Makalaure, nice and gentle after the torrent before. “Look in my eyes and know how much I love you” awww lovely!

They played a piece of music composed by a Man next! George Bizet wrote this next tune from something called a “Suite” L’Arlesienne. Rather nice to dance that funny finger waving man dance too. To me it sounded like water running in streams, rivers and over falls. I liked this song.

As the new day dawned They played an anthem next with Pipes..Eeeek I had to cover my ears it was so loud!

I really enjoyed the next song..It was about walking trees! Ent and Entwives. Phede did a wonderful job in voicing the Ent and his Wife with different instruments. This was my favourite of the whole concert, I should like to learn that poem too! “Come back to me! come back to me, and say my land is best.”

The melody also fit the lyrics wonderfully….I would suggest you all take a listen if you can. Pineleaf was gracious enough to record this entire concert for us all. See below for the link.

We were then spoiled with lively dancing numbers…. and for the next hour were all entertained with the highest quality musical performance. The playing was exquisite.

I loved the “Wearing Twilight” song, it was so strange to my ears but so fun too…. That naughty King deserved a fish-slap!

The ensemble played on for the delight of the audience who were dancing or just sitting, letting the music engulf them.

We were treated to more songs spanning Ages of Time, evoking a variety of moods and feelings.

The final song was then introduced, transcribe by Makalaure. “Time” A fitting farewell to friends, Although sad in nature this farewell was also hopeful.

ENCORE! After a barrage of shouts for more, we were at last treated to an extra song “Desert Breezes” a song from Khand. (where ever that is) East over the big mountins and then more east I think. The Lady Phedelene is so talented! I thank her personally for sharing such wonderful musical works with us all. This was an enticing and seductive piece. I loved the clarinet, the lute solo and the walking bass.

They played us a second encore, a full band heavy on the flutes….But I didn’t catch the name of the song. It sounded quite folky, I wonder if it was that Tull man’s work?

After this and more applause they all decided to jump the rail into the water! Elves eh?

They are Andunie, Elven Musical Fellowship, they were excellent. They also welcome new (Elvish) members if you are an Elf and want to study the music of all the ages.

I hope I get to hear Andunie again soon! I wish them the best of luck in the upcoming Weatherstock event. I am sure they will impress and delight everyone.

Band Members:
Andúnië band members are: Ancalimo, Earalenia, Earmoth, Elinnea, Fernith, Fionnuala, Lhasbelin, Makalaure, Miste, Nifferil, Phedelene, Taendis, Tamaren, Tuilieth.

Web page

If you wish to join the band to practice and play on the Laurelin or Landroval server you are invited to contact one of our members. You will need to get approval before becoming a band member. In game send a tell or mail to Makalaure, Phedelene, Miste, Earalenia, Fionnuala, Fernith or Tamaren letting us know you wish to join. (You need to be an elf!)

You Tube Kaoru Kumanomidou has some videos posted of Andunie from a previous Weatherstock.

Click here to watch the entire concert on Pinleaf Needles’s channel.



What prompted you to start a band?

Makalaure: If you love music you want to play it with others, you want to join others in a celebration of the LOTRO music system and make the best music in game that you can. After leaving EMS I put out a call for Elven musicians to form our own band. We just passed our two year anniversary.

Tamaren: It’s weird. My only ambition at the beginning was to show up for rehearsals! Now I’m composing, and writing parody transpositions in Sindarin and Khuzdul! How’d this happen?

How did you decide what to call the band?

Makalaure: The name was to signify we are Elves because the West is the Elven lands associated with the immortal.

Phedelene: I suggested ”Bearnaise and the Flying Saucers” but the idea never really took off …

Do you compose or transcribe your own music?

Tamaren: Yes, both. We also cover music, which is somewhere in-between.

Phedelene: It’s always hard to claim originality – but yes, we make some of the music ourselves.

Miste: Compose when there’s an idea, transcribe the rest.

Makalaure: In the band we all come to a consensus on what we do, we are musicians in real life and have creative energies that flow toward making music, both in real life and in game by creating files. We do work on transcribing from midi, sheet music or compose originals with the themes of LOTRO.

Fionnuala: The truth is that I’m the only regular member who can’t compose music. But I try to make up for it with ridiculously ambitious transcription projects.

What genre does your band like to play the most?

Miste: Any!

Tamaren: The theme is elven, so we veer towards any music that is melodic and atmospheric, but we do not have strict genre guidelines. I don’t think we could, in fact! All of us are so different and have appetites for all sorts of music.

Do you regularly hold public concerts? And if so, when and where?

Fionnuala: Right now the plan is to hold short performances after our practice sessions, alternating between Landroval and Laurelin servers. You can refer to our advertisements on the Laurelin Archives and the Landroval forums for specifics. Click here and here for links.


Do you perform with a band outfit? If so, how did you decide what to wear?

Phedelene: I think somebody suggested purple …

Tamaren: We landed on white as our uniform colour: simple and undiluted.

Fionnuala: White with highlights of gold. Elegant dresses and robes. Very Elven.

What is your favorite part of performing music?

Phedelene: Making something that I could never do by myself, together with a bunch of incredibly gifted people. Goes for in-game music as well as real life. The brief moments when magic happens, and the band and audience are all tuned in to the same wavelength, if only for an instant.

Miste: Its magic! Music is the language of feelings.

Tamaren: Seeing it all come into shape on stage, after lots of work and straitening details.

Fionnuala: For me, making music in LOTRO is a form of sub-creation. I love creating beauty with music and telling stories with music. And I love hearing from people who have enjoyed and been edified by what I have created.

If you could say one thing to encourage others to start playing music, what would it be?

Miste: Don’t be shy, and be ready to learn always!

Fionnuala: It’s important to realize that you CAN learn. Anyone can learn to play music or make abcs. Anyone can even learn to compose. (Perhaps even I will someday!) So don’t let lack of experience dissuade you from jumping into music!

Makalaure: Go beyond the idea that music in game is ONLY abc files and doesn’t take any talent to play them. The talent comes in making them. Join a group and learn how to do this and see another part of the game open up for you.

Tamaren: If you love music and you don’t pursue it, it will pursue you! Give in!

Phedelene: Join Andunie of course

Lilikate: Thankyou Andunie! A brilliant interview.

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