Death by Wolf!

So many ways to die and so little time.

So many ways to die and so little time.

Elder Forest Hunter, Large Forest Hunter, Outcast Forest Hunter, Snarling Forest Hunter.  What do all these Hunters have in common?  They are all wolves!

These wolves are found in the Old Forest, but there are many wolves throughout Middle Earth.  How do I know?  Because I think I have been killed at some point by each and every one of them.

From the earliest stages of the game you will be asked to kill wolves.  This will be by way of quests and as well, for those doing Slayer Deeds, there are many of those as well.  My first death by Wolf was in Erid Luin.

I was a lowly level 7 Lore Master and knowing nothing about the class I was playing, went off to start questing after leaving the Introduction.  I journeyed up to Nen Hilith in Erid Luin to hear that my arrival heralded a time of hope.  All I had to do was help a couple of people and kill some wolves, easy.

Not so, not for me at that point in time, two wolves attacked and I had my very first death in Lotro.  Yay me!

The types of wolves will vary from area to area.  In the Shire there are:

Wolf in the Shire

Wolf in the Shire


Snarling Wolf in the Shire

Snarling Wolf in the Shire


Wolf Leader in the Den in the Shire

Wolf Leader in the Den in the Shire


Grim Maw the Elite Signature in the Den

Grim Maw the Elite Signature in the Den


Mangemaw the Elite in the Marsh in the Shire

Mangemaw, the elite in the Marshes in the Shire


The higher the level area, the tougher the wolves get and beware of the Shadow Wolves in Enedwaith; they are nasty big critters.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Lilikate Buggins for her wonderful help with screenshots!

Special thanks to Lilikate Buggins for her wonderful help with screenshots!

11 thoughts on “Death by Wolf!”

  1. I had the Elder forest hunter too….How could I forget all the time I spent in the Old Forest recently! /slap head!
    Great report Myst!

    Mangemaw ate me and Agethil had to cut me out of his belly! It’s 100% true!

  2. Thanx for the comments everyone. I was thinking of Boars next cos they are such a bore. 😀 But I think I might be doing something else now instead so, stay tuned 🙂

    Have fun

    1. I think I’ve have a Death by Boredom before…if getting bored of what I’m doing, alt-tabbing in hostile territory, and coming back to a death screen counts… :p

      1. That Zyngor would be classed as being incapacitated by misadventure. 😛 The same as when I died planting flowers in pots in an indoor location with no wolves, boars or any other nasty critters in site. Mind you, the most mysterious misadventure I had was when I logged out in Bree only to log in the next day to find myself in the Rez circle with no explanation as to why.

        Oh and I guess that whole Alt + Tab thing isn’t yours alone. That very thing happened to me this afternoon and I was chatting away, forgetting that I was right in the middle of Tham Andaleth in Evendim. When I remembered, I got back to find my self dead and when I checked why… Apparently a Gramsfoot Gouger had the nerve to kill me when I wasn’t looking. How inconsiderate was that!

        Have fun 🙂

  3. Yesterday happened the same thing to me!! I was at level 7 with my hunter (I don’t understand everything right now) and 3 wolves attacked me at Nen Hilith in Erid Luin and I died. Today I used a valid technique: hiding behind rocks and trees. It worked! 😀

    1. Yeah I think running and hiding should become an accredited sport in Lotro. If they had awards for track and field, I think I would have a good shot at the gold. I have become the most proficient runner in Lotro.

      I totally agree Kaleigh that the Den of Shadow Wolves is a very scary place, but remember you can run! 😀

      Oh and Alice, if you think the wolves were awesome, wait till you get to the goblins crying out, “Die! Die!”

      Have fun.

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