The Bubble–Daily Screenshots

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Recently, I was given the pleasure of playing as a troll in the latest episode of Fellowship of the Creeps.

I think we managed to make the world’s biggest bubble.



Daily Screenshots is an interesting picture picked by Spridra that is released every day.  If you have an awesome screenshot send it to me at  Your screenshot could end up on this segment of LotRO Players.  I can’t wait to see what you are able to create!

4 thoughts on “The Bubble–Daily Screenshots”

  1. Can someone explain to a non-Creep what is the bubble? What brings it into existance? Is it a shield like the Mini’s green shield? Most importantly, how does someone get to be a huge troll? That sounds like fun.

    1. Yes, the bubble is like the Gift of the Hammerhand skill. The warleader class can place it on any ally. To be a troll, Creepside has to be in control of almost nothing in the Ettenmoors, and it costs 500 commendations. One simply walks up to two trolls fighting each other in Gramsfoot when the quest icon is above one of their heads and enter a type of session play. There can only be one troll active at a time. When they’re doing horribly, the Free Peoples of Middle-earth have access to a Ranger.

      1. Actually, I’d say the Creep bubble is more like the Captain’s Shield of the Dunedain Legendary skill. It reduces all incoming damage on the target by, well, a lot(something like 90%, but the math can be a bit wacky). It’s pretty much the signature skill of the Warleader class, and what they are best known for.

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