LOTRO Players News Episode 3: 20 Saber-tooth Questions

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We start off this weeks show happy to welcome Through the Palantir podcast to our site. Through the Palantir is an end-game podcast by Ivan.  We are also joined by Branick who is the head of LOTRO Academy.

Game News

Our first piece of news is that kinships get free renames if you are 3-month premium or VIP.

Second we talk about the summer festival scheduled for July 24th.

Also Update 11.2 will be released soon and the BETA notes are now released.  One important piece from this is that GLFF will no longer have a password applied to it.

The forums will also be seeing an update later this month and quickly move to talk about housing revamp predictions.

Twenty Questions Turbine presented. 

-LOTRO rights

-PvMP plans ended

Store Sales

-Free sample: +100% marks (code: MAB99)

-Skirmishes and instances on sale

LOTRO Players News

Weatherstock Concert Preparations

My Wish for LOTRO

Dwarf Beard Guide

Time Travel Pineleaf Plug

Trivial Bits and Bobs

-Ivan almost spoils everything

(Least) Favorite Cat

Through the Palantir Episode 45

-Warleader Roundtable

The Spirit Gauntlet

Rain of Thorns Chapter 1

Be sure to do your Dragon Slayer vote!

A huge thanks to Ace for being the first person to donate to LOTRO Players!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Thanks for watching and be sure to check out episode 4 of LOTRO Players News next week after our Weatherstock V LIVE coverage!

1 thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 3: 20 Saber-tooth Questions”

  1. I love the LOTRO Players Podcast because it is hosted by Pineleaf who is articulate, kind, and funny. It is what I have been hoping for since hearing The Academy Podcast progress. Less Branick and more Pineleaf. Sorry but Branick is just to defensive and never admits when others have made a valid point. He always has something contrary to say. He should be nicer to Mysteri. Tell him not to forget to have fun. Thanks guys. Great work

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