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The Soloist: Louellana

LouellanaSome weeks ago, quite late one night as I strummed my lute before the Prancing Pony fireplace I was greeted by an unusual Hobbit. Going by the name of Louellana, and speaking what could be explained as an ancient form of Hobbit, we began to talk. Providing her with instruction on the music I perform, she joined me as we played and talked for hours.

We continued long into the wee morning, literally. At least for me! Because indeed through our talks it was revealed that she hails from the realm (server) of Estel! For those who do not know, this is the French RP server. After speaking, she heard of the fine minstrels that Landroval is known for. She came here to listen to others perform. Like on many other servers, there are only a few minstrels on hers, including her band. It was something grand for her to come and listen to so many other soloists and bands playing quite often! She was a unique individual. As we stumbled our way through the differences in our languages, we were able to speak just enough to get through the night with some great conversations and duet performances! Here is what we talked about! Frenglish and all its glory!

Lou, what made you decide to come over to Landroval and play music?
Louellana: because i love playing music and listen musics that the other persons play
Louellana: (person or people)

Has been difficult for you coming from Estel, a French server to get to know the people here, and get involved?
Louellana: to discover what the others people play and for talking to them
Louellana: It’s a pleasure to talk to other people of differents lands

What kind of music do you prefer to perform?
Louellana: Like I’m a Hobbit i like playing music where we can dance.. enjoy music
Louellana: happy music

When are you usually online?
Louellana: here the morning for me but it’s the night for you
Louellana: and sometimes the night for me but i can come here when i want *smiles*

So, then you usually end up hanging out with the night owls from the US.

Are there any bands here you are considering joining?
Louellana: not really but i join Trombon and Bredouille
Louellana: but all the bands what i listen it’s very good
Tromblon: But mainly in a friendly manner more than to play with us so far
Louellana: I see Die meisterbarden von bree… waou !

So, when you are not playing alone, you perform with Tromblon and Bredouille of the kin Tromblon et Bredouille?
Tromblon: That didn’t happen yet, we haven’t shared any songs for now
Louellana: oh no.. not for the moment
Bredouille: But we enjoyed playing for each other!

You said you are from the Realm of Estel. What is the band you perform with there?
Louellana: the name is Savoureuses Mélodies

What does that mean in English?
Tromblon: Tasty Melodies
Tromblon: Or delightful or savoury
Tromblon: Savoury could be the best translation

Does that mean you often play music about food? Or is that just a play on words?
Louellana: It’s a band winth only smallfolks

Ah, all small folk loves tastey food! Better yet if it is music!
Tromblon: You mean dwarves and hobbits there right?
Louellana: In my songs I often talk to the food.. I like eating

We have spoken before that the names of the different Hobbit races are named different here then they are on Estel. What other main differences have you found here?
Louellana: the name of differents cities

Yes yes! Like Michel Delving is Great Cave!
Louellana: Yes that’s it ! Grand-Cave

You often play music using lyrics of your native language of French here. Do people seem to enjoy it?
Louellana: Bredouille tells me an another day that the people enjoy to listen to me even in French
Louellana: and I hope that they enjoy too

Yes, as did I! As I told you, it almost looks like a form of Elvish!
Louellana: *smiles*
Louellana: It’s a Hobbit language !
Louellana: but you are a Hobbit
Louellana: so it’s an ancient language of Hobbits *smiles*

Alright Loueliana! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! If you could say anything to the music community here on Landroval, what would you say?
Louellana: Thank you for the happy that you give to us and the pleasure to listen your musics and to keep on performing great music and continue to share between each bands!

 And thank you Tromblon for taking the time to help with translation!
Tromblon: It’s been a pleasure friend

So, there you have it folks! Even when languages don’t compare, one thing is certain! The love and enjoyment of music is universal!

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