Weatherstock V Concert Series. Fri-12th, Sat-13th and Sun-14th July.


The most amazing line up of Bands are performing this weekend. Hosted by the Lonely Mountain Band this months Pre-Weatherstock V Concert Series Continues.

Scroll down for the information and pictures of each band.


Starting with:

A Rock and A Hard Place, Friday 12th July. 6.00pm /servertime.

Location: Bree Stage



Animal House: Friday July 12th, 9.00pm /servertime.

Location: Bree, The Prancing Pony.



Andunie: Saturday July 13th, 2.00pm /servertime.

Location: Celondim Docks.



Mornie Alantie: Saturday 13th July. 4,30pm /servertime.

Location: Bree Park, (opposite the jail).



The Breakfast Club: Sunday July 14th, 1.30pm

Location: Bree Park.




Be there and try and pick a favourite. Go on I dare you!



11 thoughts on “Weatherstock V Concert Series. Fri-12th, Sat-13th and Sun-14th July.”

  1. Yay, Andunie! We’re going to have some really special music including several original compositions. Don’t miss it!

  2. Lilikate, you are such a busy bee! Thank you very much for all that you do. Big props and hobbit-hugs to you 🙂

  3. These posters are beautiful! Looks like so much fun! I hope I get a chance to check some of them out, me and a few kinnies have rolled toons on Landroval just for these types of events (we usually play on Gladden).

  4. Hi, I am hoping to be able to attend to some of these concerts. I created first one, now multiple alts on Landroval, just to partake of the great events there. The posters are lovely. Thank you.

  5. I love the idea of moving my kinship to Landroval. so much happening. and so much fun made for all. looking forward to meeting new friends and starting our adventure.. Come on vilya. lets get on the move. /Hugs

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