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LOTRO Players News Episode 2: Bear Rugs Beneath Your Feet

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Welcome to the second episode of LOTRO Players News, a news based podcast for LOTRO.  We start the show off by talking about introducing some new faces and also talking about Spridra’s Daily Screenshots.

Lilikate has released an amazing creatures video this week.  She also did a great article about Weatherstock as well.  She also has started doing great posts on the weekly store sale.

Shipwreck talks about several podcasts and articles he released this week…

Episode 1: Hobbiton

Episode 2: Ered Luin

Geographical Terms in LotR

The Wizard’s Vale

We also started a Steam group this week you can join.  You can also check out our new I-Tunes feed for this podcast.

We also want to make sure everyone checks out our Weatherstock LIVE feed this year.

We also announced that we will be doing the Fellowship Walk this year since CSTM will not be able to do it.  More information about this will come after Weatherstock.

Achazia also has posted an awesome Beren and Luthien video.

Pineleaf shared an amazing feat this week of doing all the skirmishes in a row for his second skirmish marathon.

This week we also had a new writer create a great cook guide.

We also have a great new fashion article that went on the site.

This week the newest LOTRO Academy episode came out talking about how we created LOTRO Players.

Shurz also talks this week about another Lore Master pet this week.

We also started a new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get featured on one or all of our podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Thanks for watching and be sure to check out episode 3 of LOTRO Players News next week!

13 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 2: Bear Rugs Beneath Your Feet”

  1. It was great having Spridra and Lilikate on the show… There was some extra GIRL POWER!

    Thanx to Ship Wreck for coming on as well. 🙂

    Enjoy listening people and of course…

    Have fun

  2. This was a lot of fun to listen to! Although in the future I will have to enforce a rule for myself: Never check twitter right before going to bed. Because I did that yesterday and it was already 3am in the morning and I had to sleep but ended lying in bed and watching the episode on youtube. And what can I say? It is such great fun to listen to all of you guys. It is nice to see that you all have a lot of fun together and I finally heard Lilikate’s lovely voice 🙂

    Thank you all for providing us with all the information in the podcast – it was a most informative show! And thank you once more for all the coverage of our Weatherstock event and the related Concert Series that just started. Also thank you, Lilikate, for explaining things re Weatherstock to the audience. You are a total win for both the Lonely Mountain Band and also for Lotroplayers.

    As I said, I can’t wait for the next episode!

    1. Your too kind 🙂 Floradine you have been creating all the posters for Weatherstock I have just been reposting!

      Far Apart, Never Alone!

  3. Nice work as usual, guys. Good job on the hostage, Pineleaf, and awesome guests this time around – all you guys help provide this site quite the impressive variety of great content.

    Keep it flowing!

  4. Fionnuala’s Fashions (pronounced fion oo la) will not just be about Elven costume. I will have outfits for the Race of Men and Hobbits as well. I admit, I’m not sure I can bring myself to dress a Dwarf. And well, perhaps I’ll gravitate to Elves more than the others. I can’t help it. They are my favorite. 🙂

  5. Great job on the podcast. Love hearing updates on the lotro community and what all if you are up to. 🙂

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