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Beneath Your Feet 02: Ered Luin

It’s the Blue Mountains!

This episode was quite difficult, as it is such a rich zone in locale and history. I didn’t want to overload anyone with a huge amount of information and proper nouns, but I didn’t want to dilute anything. I wanted to talk about the vistas but not dwell on them. I also wanted to talk mostly about the mountains proper, and not the lowlands included in the same zone in LotRO (Falathlorn and the like); those are for another episode.

Feedback is welcomed!

Here are some informational links for those of you looking to delve a bit further in:

This is a random dwarf-house on the eastern ridge of the zone at these coordinates (17.5S, 100W):

And the shadow of Sarnúr:

Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow me on Facebook, subscribe on iTunes, and check back next time as I explore Bree-town.

This week’s music:
-To Holmgaard and Beyond by Turisas (acoustic version) [buy]
-Stand Up and Fight by Turisas (acoustic version) [buy]


6 thoughts on “Beneath Your Feet 02: Ered Luin”

  1. This was fantastic! I listened twice..:) Thankyou Shipwreck. I look forward to hearing all about Bree.

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