Free Sample of the Week:
100% Renown/Infamy x1
Use coupon code KPYE9 1x Account.
Lilikate Says: I am not the best hobbit to be able to say if these items are useful or not as I have only just put a toe into the world of PvP.
I hope someone with more knowledge contacts me with a snippit that I can include later. But it’s free right!
Monster Classes 25% Off
795 596
Monster Classes Blackarrow Fire massive and deadly arrow types from range!
Defiler Heal Evil forces or disable Free Peoples with deadly plagues!
Stalker Strike stealthily, silently, and suddenly!
Warleader Rally your troops, heal your allies, and absorb incoming damage!
Weaver Use poisons and webs to manipulate and control prey!
Store Location: Account → Classes
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: For all who want to sample another monster, now is a good time to pick up another class of Creep.
Monster Traits 25% Off
195-2995 146-2246
Monster Traits Enhance your abilities and stats with traits from the LOTRO Store. Then visit your Monster Class bard to slot your new traits.
- All monster classes can update class and racial traits in the store.
- Customize your character for how you play!
Store Location: Character → Monster Play → Class Traits
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: I shall have to ask Andang about these, but are they not available in game? If you want the convenience of boost your character then a sale is a good time to grab one.
Monster Skills 25% Off
395-595 296-521
Monster Skills Upgrade your skills to do more damage, protect your raid group, control more targets, and cause more carnage!
- Upon purchase, skills are immediately usable.
- Get access to better traits, faster!
Store Location: Character → Monster Play → Class Skills
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: Same for traits, but I was under the impression that these are in game rewards for killing Freeps. (awaits Andang’s commentary)
Milestone Skills 25% Off
350 263
Milestone Skills Set multiple instant-travel destinations! Unlock an additional destination skill to bind at Milestones. 5 additions available! Milestones, or “homes”, are locations that you can instantly travel to from anywhere in the world. Players can bind to one destination at a time for free, and purchasing additional Milestone Skills allows players to access more than one destination at a moment’s notice!
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Maps & Skills → Milestone Skills
Levels : All
Lilikate Says: For all those slowbies out there! Grab an extra Milestone skill and whizz about like me! Especially you Guardians!
Hurried Traveller 25% Off
495 371
Hurried Traveller Reduce the recovery time (cool-downs) on Milestone Skills by 30 minutes to use instant-travel more often! Works across all Milestone skills! This is a permanent unlock for your character.
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Travel Traits
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: Great to go with extra milestone skills but, it’s a 30 minute cool down for all the skills. So you get to choose one of your milestone skills to port to every 30 mins. Not as nifty as having a friendly hunter port you but it’ll tide you over for a while.
Also: Steed of the Rune-keeper, Steed of the Khundolar,
Heavy Set of the Wold. 995 TPs – Which includes a halter, caparison, leggings, saddle and accessory – Thanks to Lhinnthel for passing me that information.
1995 TPs Each! For the Steed of the Iron Hills, Rune Keeper, and Khundolar.
The Steed of Victory is also in the store for the usual 1995TPs
The Steed of Night too! 1995TPs
Lilikate Says: They might sell more of these if they halved the price! I think they are too expensive
but I love them
50% off Riders of Rohan
$69.99 $34.99
Last Chance for Legendary and Heroic Editions!
July 4th – 11th
The Lord of the Rings Online™: Riders of Rohan™ Legendary Edition – Digital Download
Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor. Join with the Rohirrim and ride across the sprawling plains of Eastern Rohan. Raise high your sword to fight for honor and glory in the name of Théoden King!
Get the Legendary Edition and receive all of the exclusive bonus items!
Heroic Edition: $49.99 $24.99
Base Edition: $39.99 $19.99
Expansion Triple Pack Digital Download $39.99
Get all three Award-winning The Lord of the Rings Online™ Expansion Packs in a single purchase! Explore Moria, a truly vast underground environment like you’ve never seen before. Join the elves of Lothlórien in war against Sauron among the ancient ruins, spider-haunted canyons, and foul bogs of Mirkwood. Journey eastward toward the tower of Orthanc where an army of Isengard Orcs and Uruk-hai make ready for war.
New Skirmish Pack Bundles!
Packs designed to share with a friend
Now at LOTRO Market
Footman’s Skirmish Pack
Stand side by side with your allies as you take on the forces of evil! Get 4 unlock keys to share with your friends!
Guardsman’s Skirmish Pack
Stand side by side with your allies as you take on the forces of evil! Get 4 unlock keys to share with your friends!
Veteran’s Skirmish Pack
Stand side by side with your allies as you take on the forces of evil! Get 4 unlock keys to share with your friends!
Samwise Gamgee’s Starter Pack
Prepare for your journey through Middle-earth like Samwise Gamgee! Travel faster with a Bay Steed – Just like Bill the Pony! Carry more valuables with a 4th Inventory Bag so you are always prepared for any encounter. And avoid gold limits by removing the Currency Cap – you can never have too much gold, unless of course it is the gold of an evil Ring.

Creep skills and traits can be acquired ingame, but they need you to be at a certain rank to get certain ones. The higher up skills/traits take a LOT of work to get naturally(think months), so for those ones buying from the Store may be a better option in the long run.
Of course doing this is classed by some as ‘pay to win’, and is a topic of contention among PvPers. In the end it comes down to whether you feel the investment of TP is worth getting them now rather than later on.
Nice job Lilikate!
Concerning the Skirmish Pack Bundles: the Footman’s Pack is suitable for characters who are level 20 and higher, the Guardsman’s Pack is suitable for characters who are level 30 and higher, and the Veteran’s Pack is suitable for characters who are level 40 and higher.
Footman’s includes Storm on Methedras, Stand at Amon Sul, and Inn of the Forsaken (two skirmishes and a three-player instance).
Guardsman’s includes Attack at Dawn, Thievery and Mischief, and Defence of the Prancing Pony (three skirmishes).
Veteran’s includes Icy Crevasse, Ford of Bruinen, Survival: Barrow Downs, and Halls of Night (three skirmishes and a three-player instance).
They seem to be a good price if you have a few friends who still don’t have the instances in questions. $19.99 for four keys means $5.00 for each player or about $1.67 per skirmish or instance. That’s not bad compared to the typical 395 TP cost that I generally hear quoted (I have trouble following TP costs for content since I am a VIP player).
Lili adding her personailty to the store sales – I love the honesty! (it free grab it!)
Skirmish packs are great idea if you have a group of friends to share cost with
(marketing ploy methinks!)
or personality even…