Cooking in lotro makes my head spin (it occasionally does in real life too!) The amount of ingredients needed (vendor bought, farm produced, cook produced) and the different tiers of expertise involved is pretty complex, so in an effort to tame the virtual storecupboard I produced this spreadsheet This is just for the Cook’s Guild repasts (rep items).
Click for a larger image, you should either be able to save or print the image.
This will be a ton of help. Thanks Eldaeriel!
Thanks for the chart…wish I had this when I was taking my cook through this process!
thanks both
and zyngor… there is the lvl cap raise coming with helm’s deep… it may be needed again 
Very handy indeed! Might have to make one for other recipes as well.
thanks, yes I’ve long been thinking about doing one for the recipes I’ve used but not managed it yet…
I created a beer ‘cooking’ embedded excel thingy…
it helps if you want to brew some beer in game…why? Why not!