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Fionnuala’s Fashions: An Elven Wedding

Welcome to Fionnuala’s Fashions! One of my favorite things to do in LOTRO is make outfits and recently I was inspired by a request on the LOTRO forums from Elf RPer Tuiliel for creative ideas for outfits for an Elven wedding.

Not much is known about Elven marriage and practically nothing about Elven wedding fashions. Tolkien never went into great detail about Elven dress. However, Tolkien’s Elves in general are not a people given to great ceremony or ritual. Beginning with the idea that what Elves would wear to celebrate a marriage would be highly individual to the couple rather than fraught with tradition I sat down an designed a couple of outfits.


Tuiliel and Eluridan, the two Elves in question, hail from Lothlorien and Mirkwood, respectively. To represent their woodland homes I chose deep green with highlights of gold as the palette for their attire. Hints of white symbolize the purity of their love. They each wear a matching green cloak emblazoned with a golden tree. They remain bareheaded save for certain ornaments in their hair.

The groom awaits the arrival of his bride during the twilight hour with great anticipation.
The groom awaits the arrival of his bride during the twilight hour with great anticipation.
The bride comes to him across the bridge which symbolizes the life changing decision they are making to bind together their souls and bodies. For the rest of eternity they will walk down the path of life together. Even though they may be separated for a time by the death of their bodies, their souls will always be reunited again in the Undying Lands.
The bride comes to him across the bridge which symbolizes the life changing decision they are making to bind together their souls and bodies. For the rest of eternity they will walk down the path of life together. Even though they may be separated for a time by the death of their bodies, their souls will always be reunited again in the Undying Lands.

the bride


The Bride wears:

Chest: Lorien Fancy Robe (Cosmetic item, barter at Cerin Amroth)

Shoulders: Shoulders of the Hopeful Melody (Skirmish vendor)

Hands: Ceremonial Gloves of the Lady’s Wisdom (mannequin)

Feet: Treasure Hunter’s Shoes (Tailor crafted)

Back: Golden Tree Summer Cloak (Summer Festival reward)





the groomThe Groom wears:

Chest: Rock Climber’s Armour (Tailor crafted)

Legs: Rock Climber’s Leggings (Tailor crafted)

Shoulders: Ceremonial Shoulders of the Lady’s Power (Lalia’s Market)

Gloves: Ceremonial Gloves of the Lady’s Wisdom (mannequin)

Feet: Treasure Hunter’s Shoes (Tailor crafted)

Back: Golden Tree Summer Cloak (Summer Festival reward)


Everything is dyed Rivendell Green.

14 thoughts on “Fionnuala’s Fashions: An Elven Wedding”

  1. Nice choice of colors to represent the symbols of homeland and purity of the groom and bride, the idea of matching cloaks is appropriate too 🙂

  2. I’m sorry, but:

    Palate: Disregarding the obvious anatomical references, it’s the sense of taste, either of food, or aesthetics.

    Palette: Literally, the board that artists use to hold and mix their colours, and, by extension, the range of colours in a picture.

    Other than that, I think you’ve done an excellent job. While I would have dispensed with the shoulders on both bride and groom (only because I prefer simple to ornate) I think that counts as a quibble, rather than any serious criticism.

    The colours and styles complement each other well, and I particularly like the choice of matching cloaks.


    1. Thanks for the correction.

      I nearly didn’t use any shoulders for the bride’s outfit, but the cloak went through the shoulders of that robe in an odd way and I didn’t want to sacrifice either the robe or the cloak so I hid it with the shoulders. But I think the groom’s silhouette is enhanced by the shoulders used in that outfit.

      Thanks for your comments. 🙂

      1. A very good reason for using the shoulders. 🙂

        While I realise that that creation of clothing items for the game is obviously a complex task, I do wish that there were fewer clipping issues.

        On the other hand, of course, given the many, many different clothing items there are, I should be grateful there are so few problems, and I am.

  3. I love the idea we are going to have some fashion on LOTROPlayers! I hope there will be more 🙂

    1. There will definitely be more. I’ll probably try to do a Fionnuala’s Fashions post once a week.

  4. I disagree about Elves not being fraught with tradition, but this isn’t the place for that discussion. I like the outfits a lot. I’ve never been to an in-game Elvish wedding, but I do know some of my kinnies are going to have one later. We’re working on the betrothal in the near future. 🙂

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