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Evening Twilight.


In Sindarin there is a word, – Aduial. (The name means “second uial” = evening twilight, in contrast to minuial which means “first uial”, referring to the morning twilight.) So when I looked up that word, I instantly thought “Evening twilight” would be a suitable name for the song.

I love to role-play my elven characters, I find them both interesting/mystical and quite a challenge to Roleplay. The more I get a grip of the Lore, I find the elves far more interesting than the stereotypical ones we see in for example the movies. When it comes to their languages, I do not feel the urge to “alienize” myself and speak a language no one understand (Sindarin) But I like to color the English with some elvish now and then. (in a logical manner though) This is something I do to create my elves as close to Lore as possible and to immerse into them as far as I can. The more background and details I know about the elves, the easier it is to understand and develop them. I am a part of a Kin called Loth i Lonnath which is first and formost a Martial kinship located near the borders of Lindon (we are located in Falathlorn ingame). Some of their tasks is to patrol and protect the lands near Grey Havens, but also join assaults with their allies to get a wider understanding of the enemies. Regards to Patrols,  I often image their lonely journeys and watches could be sometime a lonesome task sometimes. So therefore this song was shaped..

Evening twilight is a very subtle title, and since it this is an instrumental song, some are asking me what the song is about. But I do not always know the answer myself.  I try to make a certain mood in the song sometimes with suitable title. My friend Hwethlenn (a fellow kin-friend- in Loth-I-Lonnath) made a text to the song. So beneath is her interpretation of the song lyric-wise. I find it excellent and suitable for the song.

The screenshot is made by Erihael/Istuir (Shades and Loth i Lonnath). I love the way he creates screenshots, you see a lot of movements/dynamic in the pictures,  and he has his own way to capture the mood in them. They are very artistic, even if it’s screenies from Lotro I think. I also found them very suitable for the song, and he was kind to give me the permission to use them.

Hwethlenn’s Lyrics

Evening Twilight

He is my all mystery
Harbinger of the moonless obscurity
Neither golden augustly nor silvery

I come to see him clandestine
The hope’s idol sublime
My golden hair graced by thyme

I stand before thee grand
The darksome kiss at hand
Quenching the nightingale’s chant

And the bleakness grows

Thus Evening Twilight overcometh me
As on thy deaf ears falls my plea
I would have given myself to thee
A love in vain that has gone sere

He now haunts my fears
Unrecognized the land aged in years
A silent inkling spears

His kisses auguring sweet
But every word outspoken venomous deceit
Within gloaming where is naught but lie and cheat

And the bleakness grows

Thus Evening Twilight overcometh me
As on thy deaf ears falls my plea
I would have given myself to thee
A love in vain that has gone sere

Nightfall – Why have you forgotten what you swore?
Dawn – A princess I was in the days of yore

I will love one day again like I was never hurt before
Over the rim I surrender in dance
You cannot hurt me anymore

Some of Istuir/Erihael’s screenshot: (More is to be seen in the video)



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