Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 37

Fellow of Creeps LP PicThis week we start off with taking a bridge and trying to pull Freeps from their hiding place.  The episode then quickly turns into a game of cat and mouse between us and the Freeps.  At first we are the cat but as the show goes on we eventually get hurt pretty badly.  Overall this episode was a lot of fun as the Moors seems to be picking back up in action.

This week I continued with my playthrough of  Wildermore and started a news based podcast for LOTRO Players.

Shurz did Hytbold dailies and also started crafting.  He also wrote another article about Lore Master pets and is also part of the new podcast.

Spridra completed the story to Wildermore because she is awesome like that.

Aranthier ranked up several Creeps and started daily class specific groups on Landroval.

Pineleaf has way to much for any show notes creator to write about and also gets interrupted by crazy Freep attacks several times.  Pineleaf has got a first age weopon because he died so many times Turbine couldn’t take it anymore and gave him one (or he created it like every other person).  He now also is able to skirmish every skirmish on any class which is an amazing feat even for Pineleaf.

Before I end the notes I would like to ask everyone to listen to A Casual Stroll to Mordor’s 200th(and final) episode.  Thank you for everything you have done CSTM!

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!

1 thought on “Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 37”

  1. Ah, it was so fun running through TA repeatedly. After rearranging my hotkeys on my BA, I’m getting back into the swing of ranged DPS.

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