LOTRO Players News Episode 1: Introductions

LPN E1 Pic 01


Welcome to the first episode of LOTRO Players News, a news based podcast for LOTRO.  We start the show off by talking about the LOTRO Players site and continuing on to talk about what the hosts do on the site.  We were also excited to announce that the Beneath Your Feet podcast will be moving onto LOTRO Players!  We also will be hosting a Weatherstock live stream on July 20th with special guests throughout the show.

We then move on to talk about the news we know so far on Helm’s Deep, LOTRO’s next expansion.

While covering Helm’s Deep we talk about:

-Helm’s Deep proper



-The EPIC Story


-Release date predictions

We then proceed to talk about the next skirmish marathon by Pineleaf and ask everyone to be LIVE on Episode 200 of A Casual Stroll to Mordor.

Thanks for watching and be sure to check out episode 2 of LOTRO Players News next week!

8 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 1: Introductions”

  1. Great start but you seem to have it set to Mono/11025 Hz. This is very very very low quality.

    You’d want it at recorded and encoded at least Stereo/44100 Hz. It sounds like an old time radio show at the current quality :-/

    Content of the show is great, though!

    1. Glad you liked the show! Currently we do not plan to change it but once we set up donations and ads to help pay for hosting fees this could change.

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