LOTRO Store Sales 6/28/13 – 7/4/13

Hullo Everyone!

I would like to try and follow the excellent example of our most beloved Hobbitlass Goldenstar. I hope to bring you news of LOTRO Store Sales each week. I hope you will all bear with me as I try and provide the same standard of service that we have grown familiar with. I doubt that I can match that quality but I hope to have a very good try.









Lilikate’s Emotions.

I would like to introduce you all to my three Lilikate’s, the first is cheering, the second is shrugging and the third Lilikate is very sad.

I will use these icons to illustrate my own personal opinion about each sale posted. I do not think for a moment that all you wonderful free folk will agree with me. Life would be dull indeed if you all did.

Green: I like the sale and think maybe others would like the sale too

Yellow: I have no clear opinion about the particular sale, I do not feel strongly either way.

Red: I probably wouldn’t buy the sale item.


Lastly, I have included a poll at the bottom of the article. I would like to discover which of the sale items you would buy. I am assuming everyone has turbine points (I know we don’t, but just pretend!). It’s only a question of which sale you would prefer.

So let us begin!



Free Sample of the Week.

Mithril Coin x5
Use Coupon Code COIN5 1/Account
Lilikate says: Everybody needs to grab these as they can be traded for a variety of services and items. Thanks Turbine!




Quest Pack: Wildermore 20% off

795 636
Quest Pack: Wildermore *Unlock 150+ Quests & deeds in the Wildermore region of Rohan!
*Free to VIPs!

Situated in a remote area of Eastern Rohan, the region of Wildermore has been hard hit by an unnatural and deadly winter. A Stone Giant named Nurzum, under the control of Saruman, is rumored as the source of this icy tragedy. Throughout Wildermore, villages have suffered ravage and townsfolk have become refugees. Follow in the chilly footsteps of evil as you attempt to restore this once thriving region.
Store Location: Account → Quest & Content → Quest Packs
Level: All
Lilikate Says:  Any sale on content is a good idea, so I like this sale. I would still think about value for money especially in light of the increases in the cost of buying turbine points. Maybe it’s worth a grind!

Stat Tomes 20% off

295 236
Stat Tomes Trolls pounding you into submission? Friends defeated because you can’t heal them fast enough? Then it may be time to upgrade your character’s Agility, Fate, Might, Vitality, or Will stats. Don’t worry, there are many easy ways to upgrade these stats! Level up your character. Get better gear by completing quests, crafting, and using the auction-house. Or use permanent stat boosting tomes that are dropped by enemies or purchased through the LOTRO Store. Food and drinks acquired in-game can also provide temporary boosts to your stats. Check out the details on each stat tome type!
Tome Of Will: Will increases your maximum power pool, your Out-of-Combat Power Regeneration, and how much you resist Fear effects, including cowering from Dread. It also contributes to increases in your Outgoing Healing Rating and Tactical Offence Rating.
Tome Of Agility: Agility increases your ability to evade and parry incoming blows, adds to the amount of ranged damage you deal, and increases your chance to critically hit a foe (ranged or melee). It also improved your Hit Chance.
Tome Of Fate: Fate increases your In-Combat Power Regeneration and In-Combat Morale Regeneration. Fate also increases the chance and magnitude of Criticals on Tactical skills (healing and damage spells).
Tome Of Might: Might increases your ability to block incoming attacks with a shield, parry incoming blows, or cause greater damage with a weapon. It also reduces incoming common damage.
Tome Of Vitality: Vitality increases your maximum morale, your Out-of-Combat Morale Regeneration, resistances to Wound, Disease and Poison effects. It also reduces incoming damage from non-weapon sources like Fire, Frost, Lightning, Acid and Shadow.
Store Location: Character → Stats
Levels: All
Lilikate says: I like this sale. Stat boosts are always useful. However there are ways to boost stats in game.




Dusky Nimblefoot Goat 20% Off


995 796
Dusky Nimblefoot Goat Allows you to summon a trusty Goat to ride throughout Middle-earth!*Can be used in Moria.
*Travel 62% faster!
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Mounts → Standard
Levels: 5+
Lilikate says: I like goats but I would not buy this creature with turbine points. I would probably find my goat in game even if it is not as snazzy.
Pineleaf Says:  “The goat that is on sale is a standard speed goat that has onlt 60 morale (the goat you get for an early quest in Moria is slower but has more morale). It’s nice for areas that aren’t populates by enemies (such as that hall that leads from Chamber of Crossroads to the 21st Hall) but I wouldn’t count on it staying  alive if an orc sneezes nearby. Now I was never into using mounts in heavily populated regions in any case  (well, except in mounted combat areas), so that was never a problem with me”.


100% XP Boost (1hr) 20% Off


150-600 120-480
100% XP Boost (1hr) Double all Monster kill XP, Quest XP, War-steed XP, and Legendary Item XP for 1 hour! By using this item, players will receive a 100% bonus to experience earned from killing monsters and completing quests.
Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP
Levels: 10+
Lilikate says: I doubt that I would purchase this item as I can level up fast enough without it. I don’t see any need to rush.
Also: Steed of the Champion, Steed of Dol Baran, and Heavy Set of the Sutcroft.
Here are details of this mount so shamelessly robbed from CSTM: (Thankyou)

This mount is as fast (+68%) and same morale (250 HP) as the previous store exclusive mounts with the same price tag.

This steed is a per character purchase so be sure you spend the Turbine Points on the character you want riding this.

Purchasing this steed will also allow you the use of the appearance items for your War-steed.

Store Location: Travel & Housing -> Mounts -> Store Exclusive
Levels: 5+
1,995 TP




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Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 6/28/13 – 7/4/13”

  1. I am VIP so I can’t get Wildermore so that makes it be either the Stat Tome or the steed…or I save my points.

  2. Thanks to Pineleaf for his contribution.

    I would be greatful for any information or interesting comments about sales items. I can add the information to the post or just be enlightened by your wisdom 😉
    Just send me an IM! or leave your comments here 🙂

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