Landroval Server: Windy Acres Ranch Event: Stampede Rodeo….

[EVENT] Rusham Stampede Rodeo – Sat June 29 3pm – Join the fun!

The Windy Acres Ranch riding team is organising a rodeo and you can join the fun!

Windy Acres Ranch your next click for detailed Information!






The event will be held on Saturday, June 29th at 3:00pm server (EST). The rodeo will take place on the Harrow Road farm in the Rusham neighborhood of Shire homesteads. The show will include a rodeo clown comedy act, war steed barrel racing, team penning, a “Best Wrangler” mounted fashion contest, and a “Best Rodeo Clown” talent contest. The audience will vote for the winners!

We are also looking for hobbit volunteers. We need stout Shire folk to act as “barrels” for the barrel racing competition. Riders will gallop their steeds in a cloverleaf pattern around the hobbits. These brave volunteers should wear bright, safety orange outfits to avoid being trampled. Click here for a demonstration of barrel racing.

The Lorien Livestock Liberation League has opened all of the barn doors, so we’re a little short on livestock for the team penning competition. Fortunately, there are no hobbit protection agencies. We need hobbits wearing animal masks and costumes to volunteer as cows, goats, chickens, pigs and donkeys. Click here for a demonstration of team penning.

If you would like to volunteer as a rodeo barrel or cow, please contact Kiralynn in-game on the Landroval server or email her at We are also accepting sign-ups for two-rider penning teams. Fashion and talent show contestants should register on June 29th during the hour before the rodeo begins.

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