Random Acts of LOTRO Kindness

Once upon a time I played WoW. It was a game I enjoyed, but ultimately the awfulness of the community wore on me until I couldn’t take it anymore. I decided to try to find a place to game where the people were generally smarter, nicer and had more in common with me. So I came to LOTRO and I was not disappointed. Almost immediately I was amazed by how kind and helpful people could be here. It happens everyday. Players helping players. And I think sometimes we take for granted how remarkable that is in the gaming world. So in honor of the awesome LOTRO community I’d like to start sharing some random acts of LOTRO kindness.

The first example is an experience I had just last evening. While making some adventuring outfits for my new hunter character I discovered that my supply of white dye was exhausted and the few available on the AH were ridiculously overpriced. So I sent out a call in Bree trade chat. Very quickly I received a tell from a player saying he had some extra white dyes. I asked if he had three available and he said yes. So I headed over to the crafting hall to meet him. I asked him how much he wanted for them but “no no… no charge!” he said and put 6 dyes in the trade window. I thanked him and headed off to finish my new outfit.


Here’s the finished outfit that Luinori of the Knights of the White Lady helped me to produce. Thanks, Luinori!

It’s these little acts of generosity that really make the LOTRO community the best in the gaming world.

Have you experienced a random act of LOTRO kindness and would like to share it? Send me a write up (include screenshots if you’d like) at fionnualaalphroval@gmail.com.

5 thoughts on “Random Acts of LOTRO Kindness”

  1. This is a great idea! I love the LOTRO community because of how kind and close it is. I can’t wait to hear what acts of kindness people have gotten.

  2. On more than 1 occasion, I have had a complete stranger walk up to me and give me some rep items, mat’s, or LI’s just out of the blue. And of course kin mates practically trip over themselves trying to help people out. I think the community in LOTRO is amazing!

  3. I have on more than one occasion been the person who has given someone money for a house or a horse. 🙂 Starting out is tough sometimes and it is always good to help someone out. I have also given random people better weapons etc, but I always try and craft better items for kin members as well.

    If I had not had help when I first started then I would probably would still be trying to get my first house. 🙂

    Have fun.

  4. I like to help new players, sure if I have the mats I will craft for you and if you need a quick port just ask me! It’s amazing what you can begin when you start sharing the love.

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