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A Night at the Dolwood

To liven up this Friday night, I found myself on the doorstep of the Dolwood Tavern owned by the illustrious Prindle Greenfeet on 9 Chestnut Street of the Dolwood Neighborhood of the Bree-land Homesteads on the Landroval server. They are open from 9-Midnight EST.

Dolwood TavernYou are welcomed by the beautiful hostesses Berianreth & Lilmelody, you are immediately offered food and drink! Mmm, both were delicious! Enjoying a bit of bread and butter, with salmon and a tankard in front of the fire was like..well was like…eating good food at a great place! If you were there, then you will know, we had a ROARING good time. Hey ho!

There was a wide range of music, from the 14th to the 20th century, from the Fantasy to the Fancy!

Music was performed through out the night by the musical stylings of Chastine BaneJones (Don’t Tempt Me Frodo), Eddenwulf (Eored of the Eastmark), Everdir, Tourmalien Bracegiirdle (Concerning Hobbits), Merlinor and Cellindis Melui, Prindle Greenfeet (Dolwood Tavern) and yours truly! We were also graced with the voice of Dolwood Tavern’s very own Berianreth.

Q&A Interview

Do have these open nights where you advertise to the public? When do you usually start?

Our normal days are Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:00 – Midnight, EDT — People can request to use the Dolwood other nights and we will open and bring staff in for the event.

Do you host any kind of scheduled events? And if so, what are they?

Yes: Ales and Tales, plus bands; Animal House, EMS,  NorthStar

Do you cater as a venue for private events?


If there is one thing you would like players to know about your event/tavern to get them interested coming, what would it be?

Days we have no band playing the floor is open to anyone that wished to entertain the guests. 

Do you have a facebook page or website for the Tavern? and if so, what are the URLs?, web page is still in the working.

Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server? Send an email to

2 thoughts on “A Night at the Dolwood”

  1. Great Article, I have been to the above mentioned establishment. I find it a night well worth repeating. I believe Animal House were playing that particular night. The welcome was warm, as was the fire. 🙂

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