Rocking at Ministock V

The Bands
courtesy of Floradine Strongfoot

In preparation for all the funny business that goes into putting on Weatherstock V, the largest player gathering in all of The Lord of the Rings Online, the Lonely Mountain Band hosts of the event puts on a show apply named, Ministock. Today marked when the bands performing at Weatherstock get together and head to Weatherstock to run through “mic checks”, rehearsals and other necessary preparations for the coming larger show.

Ministock V
Gathering of the masses

Before heading up to Weathertop, bands and spectators alike gathered at The Forsaken Inn for some needed rest and getting their minds prepared for the feat and trek ahead of them. Unfortunately, the staging area was raided by a whole next of snakes! It sent everyone running and screaming for the Bree hills! Alright…it was just one, no one went running and Lilikate said it was “supposedly” harmless. But, it still freaked me out!

Ministock V
Band Introductions

With a grand welcoming ceremony, Harperella of the Lonley Mountain Band invited each of the performing bands up to be introduced to the crowd. Many were returning, and a few were coming to perform for the first time! Unfortunately, a few of the bands could not make it to Ministock, but they will be appearing at Weatherstock itself. 9 out of 11 bands at Ministock isn’t such a bad turn out!

Ministock V
Preparing to pose for a band shot

Mounting up, nearly 100 band members, concert vendors, stagehands, staff and spectators made their trek to the peak of Weathertop looming over head. With bands forming up together and everyone taking the trek albeit a few people running who either got bucked off their horses, or lost them in a dice game, everyone headed along the distant ridge under the fading sun of the Lone Lands.

With a quick stop for a photo op, bands and concert crew alike gathered to immortalize the moment.With the trek continuing and the sun dipping below the horizon, the mass of music lovers wound their way up the Weather pass beneath the bright moonlight as it cast its beautiful ambient light upon the riders.

Ministock V
The Casual Ride to the Top

As the night began, and the festivities commenced, the Weatherstock theme was performed during the opening ceremonies. The bands began their concert with an ever growing delight! As this is to be a dress rehearsal for the coming Weatherstock, bands took the stage and performed. Mic checks (checking sound and distances) were underway as vendors passed out drink and tobacco for the onlookers to enjoy as the stars cast their sparkling shine upon everyone. With the magic of music aloft in the night sky, everyone danced, drank and listened to their favorite music performed by their favorite musicians!

Lonely Mountain Band performs the Weatherstock theme song
Ministock V
The Shades” from the Laurelin take the stage
Animal House
Animal House” from the Laurelin return again this year. Yes, as seen through foggy drunken eyes! Thanks Anthemisa!
Die Meisterbarden von Bree
Die Meisterbarden von Bree” performs Ghost Riders of the Sky beneath the “Great Bear” constellation as it loomed over head

Great Smke out

Great Smke out 2
The Great Smoke Out
Mornie Alantie
Mornie Alantie” from Belegaer play a tune from “Faun Andro”
Flock of Smeogols
The one and only “Flock of Smeogols
Lonely Mountain Band
A bear even tries to eat the “Lonely Mountain Band!” SECURITY! What a concert this is turning out to be!
Runic Knights Orchestra
Runic Knights Orchestra” rock the Top!
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
A Rock and a Hard Place” from Dwarrowdelf takes the stage,just as a storm begins rolling in.
Chosen Few
Chosen Few” perform during Ministock’s Battle of the Bands practice
Let us not forget security doing what they do best. Protecting the concert attendees.

Weatherstock is the largest player ran event in LOTRO history ranking up to 500+ players listening to 11 bands for 4+ hours on Landrovol. Find out everything you want about it at the Weatherstock website.

Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server? Send an email to

8 thoughts on “Rocking at Ministock V”

  1. Wish I hadn’t been ill that day! Ah well, nothing will keep me from the big event. Yay Andunie!

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