LOTRO Academy: 78 – On Update 11

LOTRO Academy: 78 - On Update 11
Branick, Mysteri, Rolkrage, and Pineleaf chat about the latest major update to The Lord of the Rings Online™. Thanks for listening.

8 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 78 – On Update 11”

  1. The problem I see with hobbit presents (and the recent change to VIP bonus xp) is philosophical. It can be seen as giving you a gamey reason to log in every day instead of making your game good enough that people want to log in every day anyway. It’s a non-issue for me. I don’t log in for presents and I don’t boycott the game because of it.

    And dwarf presents would be so much better. Not just free stuff, but free ale! I don’t know what Myst was talking about…

  2. Great show. What a pleasure to listen to folks who sincerely enjoy this game and Middle Earth and have an upbeat, lively take on the world of Middle Earth.

    Well done!

  3. Thanx for the comments people 🙂 Tapkoh, do you really think I have no idea about dwarfs?

    Let me see, they are shaped like beer barrels, have little etiquette or good taste and are downright uncouth! 😀 I don’t think their prezzies would be nicely wrapped with pretty bows. Rather, they would come in brown paper packets, scrunched closed at the top and honestly… I am not sure anyone would like to open them and find smelly fish or what not within.

    Like you Tapkoh, I log into the game cos I enjoy it. Presents or no presents… it is all good with me…

    Thanx for your words Belwynne. I hope the podcast remains both enjoyable and gives people a few unknown insights into the world of Middle Earth.

    Lilikate, I hope you manage to get on soon to the site. I would hate to have to “adopt” your characters. Oh shhhh…. Branick might be listening…. I wouldn’t “adopt” your characters, maybe “accidentally” claim them. But you know me… I will be nice.

    Have fun

  4. I’m mostly on Branick’s philosophical side of the Bullroarer’s fence about this one…free stuff is free, and that is good. I can certainly see others’ view purely about the delivery system.

    Perhaps sending the items to a mailbox with a hobbity message was an option to make the system remain a little more immersive, but maybe either it might have overcomplicated things (dealing with full boxes and whatnot), or (more likely) it is simply more profitable for the companies involved to utilize a “rolling wheel” of prizes and clickable MC-spending buttons along with the instant gratification of receiving your prize without the fuss of finding the nearest mailbox).

    Either way…I do my best to pick up a daily gift when I remember across servers. I have been playing a couple of other MMOs as of late, and as such have not been spending the same amount of time in LOTRO I might have in the past. I am trying to start reading through Tolkien’s works (yes, I have never actually read the books until now, for shame!), so perhaps I’ll find a tingle within to draw me back in more frequently.

  5. I haven’t been doing much listening to Poddys of late but when I decided it was high time I did catch up with you guys I was pleasantly surprised to see all the changes. LOTRO Players looks good and reminds me of another excellent blog and podcast which is sadly going the way of the Dodo. I’m sure we will all be disappointed to see Casual Stroll To Mordor go 🙁
    But on a brighter note we still have you fun guys, about to listen to your latest podcast then I shall have to go back a good few months and do a major catch up. Thanks for all the fun, Haldare of Gilrain

  6. I largely agree with Branick on Hobbit Presents. While I can certainly understand how some people consider them tacky, but the whole immersion thing doesn’t hold water with me. How is it any less immersive than the crafting menu, or the character panel?

    It’s just free stuff to me. Get the item and move on.

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